max flowering time


Hi fellow growers im just wondering what the maximim amount of time to flower a plant im aproaching two weeks into flowering and all is well some of my ladies are a bit more advanced than others but nt by much im growing cheese AK48 and church thanks guys
for all 3 strains 56 to 63 days would be a great time to harvest.. thats growing hydro in soil they could even take a lil while longer.. harvest by the trichromes coulour and you will be bang on everytime and can even harvest to what sort of high youy like
@shadowmaker thats an intresting point u make about the strengh of the high if u leave them say 60 odd days will that make them more potent or if u leave them say 70days then wot and how will that effect the yeild (if any)?
ill try and find a trichrome indicator sheet for ya not promising though.. right an inmature plant has clear trichromnes as they age they start becomingg cloudy when most are cloudy you will get a heady type high. after they turn cloudy they start turning orangy brown this will give you more of a couchlocked stoned high if you let them go till 50% cloudy 50% orangy brown you will get a mix of the highs the more you let become orangy brown the more couchlocked staned feeling you will have..
Ok thats gd advice il remember that wot number of days into flowering (roughly) will this start to take place ? i went out and bought and jewlers magnafing glass with a light attachef to it that will help me but how will this action effect the yield ??
I'd start looking at trichs at 7 weeks just out of curiousity. Make sure you take several samples from different areas. I've come to disagree with those wanting to see lots of amber trichs. I think ambering is an indicator that degradation is imminent.

As for yield, that shouldn't be part of this equation. Harvest when the time is right, and the yield is what it is.
The capitate-stalked glandular trichome changes color as it matures. Newly formed and immature glands are clear, glands reaching optimum THC production are cloudy or milky and amber trichomes have already passed their peak. By looking at the trichomes you can also determine the best time to harvest your plants. When most trichomes have gone cloudy and a few amber ones have appeared, the plant is at its peak.





Cannabinol is the primary degradation product of THC and increases in concentration with plant age. The concentration of this product in the bud is heavily dependent on the time of harvest. Harvesting the bud at a late stage also means that the concentration of CBN in relation to THC will be higher when compared to the peak of THC production.

CBN is only mildly psychoactive and can cause "fuzzy head", drowsiness, disorientation and sleepiness in the smoker, properties that can be considered unpleasant in nature compared to the clear high of the THC.

In other words ....... watch your trichomes ... they will tell you when to harvest.
One more comment - I've heard growers say they have amber trichs and clear ones. Some plants will continue producing new trichs which will be clear. But you don't wait for them to turn cloudy or you'll be losing potency on the mature ones.