max utilization of a smallish space.

Mister Black

Active Member
So I have a 2 x 2 x 5 tent in which to grow. Non negotiable. I am using CFL's as the tent is too small for HPS. I am growing in coco which is again non negiotable. How can I get the most out of this space? Some part of me is saying vertical growing could be the answer.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
A scrog grow spring to mind as CLFs have poor penetration so you need to keep the light close to the Bud sites to provide enough light to grow decent Buds, a scrog will also keep the plants low and bushy (like LST)


Well-Known Member
I used cfl for a little while,dont care for em to much, youll have more fun growing with a mh/hps.why not a couple 150's or a 250?i grow in a cab not too much bigger than your tent and use a 400.Also maybe try out some lst`ing or scrog or mainlining...