maximum yield from one plant

I hear about people getting up to 400 grams of bud off of one plant when they have perfect conditions.

what are these conditions?

i see most beginners getting just a few ounces off of one plant. they don't top their plants and they have too many plants per light and they don't veg them very long.

if you have the PH levels perfect everyday, keep a steady flow of nutrients and water, top your plants, veg them for a longer period will this insure more yield?

I am trying to get at least 300 grams of bud per plant


Well-Known Member
I hear about people getting up to 90-120 grams of bud off of one plant when they have perfect conditions.

what are these conditions?

i see most beginners getting just a few ounces off of one plant. they don't top their plants and they have too many plants per light and they don't veg them very long.

if you have the PH levels perfect everyday, keep a steady flow of nutrients and water, top your plants, veg them for a longer period will this insure more yield?

I am trying to get at least 100 grams of bud per plant
I have 6 plants and 5 different strains growing in foxfarm soil, under a 600hps. I just cut one down a week or so ago, it had at least 10 more days to go but I ran out so I cropped early. Anyhow I got 68.4 grams dried weight. This was the smallest plant not to mention that they really put on some weight in the last couple of weeks. I had 2 mambas so I took one of them, so it will be interesting to see how much the twin sister weighs, since she got 2 extra weeks to grow.


Well-Known Member
Genetic's of variety, grower tallent, grow condition's (no stress), and a clean grow.. no bug's no overwatering, no over fertilizing not too much light, and then you will get what you are looking for and more. Plan for success! Good luck my brother! jack


Active Member
ya man if u just tie u main top down to create multiple tops..u can def get 100 grams. with just a 4-5 week veg


Active Member
ohhhh woah! ya thats a bit tricky..u are never gunna be able to do tht first run u need to tune ur growroom to perfection..ur gunna need a high yielding strain and at least a 2 month veg with a hell of alotta room..better off outside if your looking for those number off 1 plant bro. and ur gunna need a 1000w+ to achieve that. good luck though


Well-Known Member
Have you seen Humboldt Local's plants?



Well-Known Member
bubblegum 12-12 from seed in coco...........1709g wet weight............grown in a cab 1.2m x 1m x 1.4m hi.....................

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
im not sure how much exp u have growing, but dont set ur goals too high to start out with cuz the chances are u might jsut fuck it all up and end up starting over. 100 grams a plant is not a bad harvest/per plant..jst shy of a QP is not bad at all for a rookie grower imo. since ive got my ommp card ive gotten alot more serious about my grow and i average between 5-6 z's (dry) pr plant. ive had some with only 2.5-3 z's and some up to jst under 1/2lb. i can say this tho...those numbers will NOT be reached growing 6 ladies under 1-600w light. no way no how i would believe otherwise unless i saw it with my own 2eyes. i run 2-1000w with 3 ladies under each light and it does the trick nicely. if i cram any more in there production of each lady goes down..(cram) being the key word. my advice would be..dont cram 6 plants under 1 little light unless they are really small when u begin to flower them because those lil' ladies r going to double and triple in size. im suprised more ppl dont use humbolt's Bushmaster more often and just do 2-3 ladies under a light. ive tried this several times with the only exception being under a 1000w and not a 600w. 6 ladies cramed under 1 light gave me so/so mediocer harvest....but the 3 ladies i used Bushmaster on under the other light almost doubled what the 6 did using the same nutes and same strains. good luck and merry growing.

Trich Fiend

New Member
pretty sure there are some threads on here with guys pulling 1000g off a single plant. outdoors of course. indoor it's totally possible but most guys don't try for it cause it inefficient as far as lighting goes. if you top a plant twice and train it during veg then i think 400g is a very real possibility. usually it's better though to grow 2-3 smaller plants rather than 1 really large one as far as yields go. they always say that sog is the highest yielding indoor method.


Well-Known Member
How'd you dry your bud to weigh it in a week? And have it ready to smoke (Water weight gone)? jack
If your talking to me, I trimmed all big leaves, cut it and hung it upside down for three or four days. Then I manicured the rest of the bud and put in a cardboard box in a air conditioned room, after three or four more days I put it in a mason jar to even out the moisture content. Smokes just fine. Would not normally rush it, but was out. I prefer a slow cure.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure there are some threads on here with guys pulling 1000g off a single plant. outdoors of course. indoor it's totally possible but most guys don't try for it cause it inefficient as far as lighting goes. if you top a plant twice and train it during veg then i think 400g is a very real possibility. usually it's better though to grow 2-3 smaller plants rather than 1 really large one as far as yields go. they always say that sog is the highest yielding indoor method.
Good weight is achievable in SoG, and SCRoG; the difference between the two is a SCRoG can use as little as 1 plant, but SoG requires a high plant/sq ft ratio.

SCRoG => 1 - 4 plants = not a fun time with the boys in blue
SoG => 10+ plants = plan to get fitted for you orange jump suit. (Here in Canada 5+ plants is now a mandatory minimum, Canadian SoG growers beware Stephen is watching.)


Trich Fiend

New Member
Good weight is achievable in SoG, and SCRoG; the difference between the two is a SCRoG can use as little as 1 plant, but SoG requires a high plant/sq ft ratio.

SCRoG => 1 - 4 plants = not a fun time with the boys in blue
SoG => 10+ plants = plan to get fitted for you orange jump suit. (Here in Canada 5+ plants is now a mandatory minimum, Canadian SoG growers beware Stephen is watching.)

i'll add that to the list of reasons i don't live in canada...(really cold, don't like hockey, mandatory minimums, etc...) :-P