Maybe A Breakthrough!


Well-Known Member
soo i was readin up on the cannibis plant on wiki....and i was browzing around and came across to chemicals in plants called auxin and ethylene....auxin comes from the greek word auxano meaning to not going to explain it heres the add... Auxin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now ethylene acts as a psychiological hormone in the plant naturally....ethylene throughout the plants life stimulates and/or regulates the ripening of the fruit, the opening of the flowers and shedding leaves... if your interested these two addresses will fill you in more on the chemicals....has anyone everdealt with these two chem?? please post if you can or message me....thanks!


Well-Known Member
Well, auxins cause cuttings to form roots (if im not mistaken), so anyone who's cloned a plant has indirect experience with it I suppose... don't know much about ethylene in plants, more familiar with polyethylene...

Not sure what kind of breakthrough this is though, it's not really new info, but it's cool you found something new and interesting to read about. Keep at it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ha i know its not a breakthrough....its good advertisement wouldnt u say??lol but yeah i thought it has to be in cloning hormones.....ethylene i believe is to be said to be in bananas and if you put it in an enclosed area with your plants its suppost to help flowering etc....


Well-Known Member
i was reading more on ethylene and it says that it actually induces flowering...not help it...actually it ripens the fruit, which in turn is probably not good bc they said flourist are trying to inhibit ethylene bc it accelrrerates ripening which would be bad for cannabis bc we want to flower as long as we can....but by expirementing one could maybe induce flowering before 12/12


Well-Known Member
i think i read that ethylene is a plant hormone and when with mj it can be used to make fem herrmies...not sure im right only about 420%:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Not exactly a breakthrough. DutchMaster Reverse, a foliar spray used to reduce hermi-flowers, is ethylene. It is also used to cause early fruit drop in crops. It is volatile, both litteraly and in terms of results. Auxins have been around for decades, it's the primary ingrediant in SuperThrive.


Active Member
there are actually a lot of compounds and juices out on the market the use a series of the naturally occuring enzymes and hormones in the plant to cause specific growth reponses. Ethylene for instance has been used for many years to force fruits the bear early in and on schedule with commerical farmers. The trick is to be careful, for instance an introduction of gibberlins into a plant causes a elongation growth disease due to unstable cell maturation. Also most hormones interfere with one another, auxins I know are counteracted by a number of the other growth hormones in the plant, make any sort of mix of these two inactive. In my experience I've stayed away from the hormones like auxins targeted specifically at growth, i find that when the plant is ready to use these chemicals it makes them plentiful on its own and in its own proper amount. The best thing to do is just let the girl alone and not play around with her.
If your looking for something along these lines though as a chemical growth additive I recommend B-52 from advanced nutrients or any nutrient mix composed of the B vitamin compounds. These really do a wonder for increasing the plants metabolism as well as cutting grow time and work wonders once applied. I personally use thrive alive as a regular B-1 suppliment and the results are very noticable