Sometimes you see what looks to be amber colored trichomes only to find, under magnification, that it's an orange pistil lying on the trichs.
This is what I also may think is happening, or similar...
Bud Tric's run all the way through your bud...
Thousands of layers...
This time right before harvest is when the bud gets hard.... and packs on the weight... it may look the same size for last four weeks, however internal layers of Tric's are being grown....
If you cut open a ripe bud [just harvested or just dried,]
You will find a sea of white trichome pleasure.... Tric's connected and forming a THC super highway...
My Buds have billions of Tric's
Hundreds of layers of Tric's...
And never a amber one found under the surface....
Good Luck man.... After you've harvested a couple of hundred plants... You'll be able to look at any picture, of any plant and tell:
two weeks left... BECAUSE there are still white hairs growing out...
One week left .... because now all the hairs have started to recede back into bud....
Harvest window opens.... Because No white hairs growing.... Hairs that did grow, have started to recede....
Harvest window wide open .... Because all hairs have receded.... White/Milky Tric's are over 90% [clear/and amber less than 5% each]
Harvest window stays open until....Amber Tric's over 10% and all of your fan leaves are yellow and falling off....
TOO LATE Harvest window closes when Amber Tric's over 10% and or leaves on bud starting to excessive yellow....
This is what I observe on my grows. Not what I have learned or read... This is my real world experience....
Good Luck Man...