maybe im just paranoid can someone clarify for me please

my gdp clone is outdoor only like 2 months old and its only 16" tall and it seems to be flowering already is it gonna get any bigger is there any way to get it back into veg?


Well-Known Member
you could always bring it inside and put it on a 18/6 or 24/7 light schedule and it wil go back into veg
not sure if u can make it ggo back into veg outdoors tho unless for sum reason ur days are getting longer depending where u live

+rep a perosn if they help you :)


Well-Known Member
it should revert back on its own, eventually. what light cycle has it been getting the last 2 months? how long ago did it start flowering dont be surprised or worried if you start seeing lots of fucked up looking leaves, those are completely normal in the reverting process.
thank you for the tips first of this is what i did, i pulled it out of the ground (not literally i dug it out) and put it in to a container w/ some fresh FF ocean forest soil and have flourescents on it 24hrs and supposedly theres some stuff call revert that will help too but i havent gotten it yet. now my only concern is did t/p from ground to container possibly completely ruin my plant, its been in the ground for about a month?
was it a bad idea to take it out of the ground after its been in the ground for a month and put in a container? i put in some fresh FF ocean forest soil it seems to be doing fine


Well-Known Member
it will have a smaller root system, both now and when it completely heals. It's possible you didnt cut or rip any roots digging it up, but not very likely. I think i wouild of just left it outside and the days lengthening to revert to veg, dont get me wrong, if it was in a container outside i'd bring it in to revert it. as for the damage you caused digging it up and that, I wouldnt really worry about it, your plant will recover, but it will need time and it might delay the reverting process while your plant does damage control. dont bother buying something, you dont need it and im kinda skeptical on if it really works, its probally just veg nutes w/some chemical/s or other they will claim speeds the process up. I forgot about the switch from flowering nutes back to veg nutes. but the new soil should be enough for a while 3-4 weeks sounds right to me, but im not your plant or watching it so It may be longer or shorter, but not by much. You did not completely ruin it or anything, even if you had taken off half the roots or more on accident it would recover, but while its doing that other growth would basically stop. So dont freak out if it looks like its doing nothing for a while, week tops is my guess.