Mdanzig's Blue Ryder. Anyone have Info or pics ?


New Member
I have a few Blue Ryder seedlings ( not doing very well.. The seeds are def immature ) from seeds from attitude..They took forever to germ ( 6 of 10 were "light green" seeds ) and 2 died after 2 days and the ones that are left are not looking well at all....Expensive ass seeds for what apears to be some not so good genetics.. I was hoping someone here is growing or has grown some blue ryder as well and would share your experience.

Anyone have pics/Info about Mdanzig's Blue Ryder ? All I can find on the web are the breeder images and info.. I found 1 grow journal but its only about 1/2 way through here >

His grow isnt going well at all and his plants look very unstable .The height diff between plants is crazy..Plus he got a few herms as well..



Active Member
hey man, i have some blueryders. i also got em from attitude. this was my 1st attempt to grow. for the 1st 3-4weeks my plants were stunted in growth. once i transplanted, and backed off of em a bit they started to grow slowly. today is day 57 and the tallest is 5 inches, the other is 3inches! but, they are totally covered with resin, and look like little xmas trees sticking out of ground. they resemble one fat bud each. im gonna cut em down next week, and cure them.


Active Member
Same opinion here... My single Blue Rdyer that did sprout is only up to about 6" in height and doesnt show any signs of it stretching. 34 days into its life cycle and is also completely covered in white hairs. I have a Auto Lemon Skunk right next to it that reached about 12" in height but with several branches. In my opinion, the Blue Ryder wont even result in 10 grams of dry weight. Not worth my light cost or nutes Ive spent on keeping her alive. Anybody else have anything to say about this strain?


Hey i think you got a bad batch. I soaked 4 blueryders till they sank to the bottom( about 1 day) then placed them in a paper towel n a sandwich bag. I have tap roots coming out in less than 12 hours.


I ordered my MDanzig blueryders from pick'n'mix seeds (uk) and had mixed (pun intended) results. First one I probably drowned, the next one I got to grow to a seedling. Until a fixing broke and my lamp crushed and burned it to oblivion (sheesh).

Fortunately the last seed made it fine - see the attachments, day 51 from germination. Changed to 12/12 on day 32, as I read that autoflowering is not guaranteed on this unstable strain.

I initially had 35W 2700K and a 11W 6500K CFLs for vegging. The 35W burned during one night (inner condensator exploded) so I changed the setup. So afterwards I've had 2 23W 2700K CFLs for vegging/flowering.

I'm using soil as you can see, with 1/3 of vulcaponic. Used mainly tapwater, now I ended up using nutes on the flower-phase. And this is my first grow, so it's a bit unorganized.



Active Member
i got blueryders on the go now! ill keep pics and info on them up every week or so! mine are about 8 inch and just turned 4 week old, budding pretty good! from my experinces with auto flowering dwarfs you can sometimes get a really shite batch of seed that dont do so good but then another time get a good batch that do great! check out everyonedoesit auto flower section, they have some none dwarf auto flower plants! check out delicious seeds on there, critical and blueberry, both fem seeds, not a too bad price neither! im just growing some sensi snowryder which is a none dwarf auto flower and its looking pretty good, supposed to finish at between 900 and 1200 in height so you will get way more bud!


Active Member
frumbum, always leave auto flowering plants to do there thing, ive had some not start flowering till 5 to 6 week old but in the end they always go over the breeders guide to flowering if they do flower late! all my blueryders have auto flowered, one showed pistils at 2 and a half week! unstable doesnt mean they wont auto flower! check out delicious seeds like i said, there website is under construction but everyonedoesit has them foe sale! there gona be my next investment!


Active Member
I am into Lowryder seeds. So far I have grown Diesel Ryder and I now do a Purple Jems grow.
Mdanzig Blue Ryder is for sure my next one.
So far I haven't seen any finished diaries of Mdanzigs...