They do kinda look like giant kinetic butt-plugsNeed some advice on what we should wear. Who should be the best man? Are chocolate fondue fountains too tacky? Do you guys think a karaoke-open bar would work? You guys have some good ideas? Help me make this the best wedding ever.
Congrats! I always wanted a bar karaoke thT sounds awesome!Need some advice on what we should wear. Who should be the best man? Are chocolate fondue fountains too tacky? Do you guys think a karaoke-open bar would work? You guys have some good ideas? Help me make this the best wedding ever.
My thoughts exactly...I'll be the best duder!Wear leopard skin suits. Dia should be the best man. As long as there are strawberries, chocolate fondue is fine. Karaoke open bar would be fucking epic. Bud tender, no brainer.
don't touch me!can i be the priest?
Kinda young to be impersonating fat Elvis aren't you?can i be the priest?
don't touch me!