Me and my roommate beat it together!


Well-Known Member
My and my roommate like to take turns beating it. Usually I beat it for about 15 min while he watches, and then we switch off. The entire session lasts an hour or more before we are both too tired and have sore wrists.

We have only done it 3 times so far, it's still new to us. The first couple times we were skeptical while we were doing, we weren't sure it was gonna work, but afterward we were very happy with the way it turned out.

Now we can't wait to do it again.

Of course I am talking about making hash with bubble bags. We beat it with a whisk for the first extraction, and then an electric beater for the second round. We've got about 15 grams of full melt so far. What did you perverts think I meant?


Well-Known Member
sawyze's ghost...jacking off in the corner..while im making hash...i better not get any ghost spunk in my hash dammit


Well-Known Member
if you use a drill it wont sound so gay........oh wait...never mind

Are you listening to something romantic?
Actually we were watching reruns of The Man Show

How many different bags you use and how much trim/shake ?
I use the sprung bags, 5 bags, 5 gal capacity. We toss aside the 220 and 160, keep the 110 for cooking, and smoke the 73... sometimes don't use the 25 bag cos it takes 48+ hours to drain, if we do we combine it with the 110 for cooking. Now jus gotta learn how to cook.

I haven't been weighing the trim but we had 3 freezer bags full. All trim was from trainwreck, nightshade, and cheese.


Well-Known Member
holy moly, i was wondering for a sec if the root master was a full on tube steak smuggler... some funny shit there. Just go electric mixer full time. tis what i do... full melt snake...

