Me with my girls

Mr. Cali

Active Member
Sorry, I double posted this in Outdoor. Some people asked me to keep updates on my girls, so here one is. Left side is 7' AK47 and back right side is 9' Super Skunk. At my feet is my vicious watch dog, Saphie. Yeah, watch out. AK is about 3 weeks flowering and SS is about 2 weeks. I can't wait for November!

Mr. Cali

Active Member
I know I double posted, but dont be mad my plants are sooo huge that nobody wants to even comment. Yeah, organic rocks the house. loooooove youe!


Active Member
I know I double posted, but dont be mad my plants are sooo huge that nobody wants to even comment. Yeah, organic rocks the house. loooooove youe!
I think we are all just stunned at that friggin jungle you've got going there.

I wish I could get away with growing outside <sigh>.

You're gonna post more pics when they start flowering, right???:weed:

Mr. Cali

Active Member
Absolutely! I looked at my thread again and it comes off very cocky. Sorry for that. Just weird that no one had anything to say about an incredible crop that I'm so proud of. Thank you Stonefish!

Mr. Cali

Active Member
P.S. I have 12 more just like these. I will willingly smoke with any member that would like to join me at harvest. :)


Well-Known Member
.....yes, haven't been on much lately but that is some forest your in there!! Where's the AK from, if you dont mind my asking??<----it's what I've got going indoors right atm(Serious Seed) and they do shoot up there if you give them veg time: I have to go pretty much straight from rooted clone to 12/12, haha! Awesome bud it is and you'll have a pile!!! RIGHT ON!!
Great growin to you, Mr Cali!!



Active Member
damn dude nice plants u got goin'd u get em so huge?..what kinda nutes u using and when did ya plant them bad girls? lol

Mr. Cali

Active Member
Thanks everyone! I actually planted kind of late. Middle of May. I have really good soil on my property, but I mixed 30% organic Miracle Grow pot soil, 20% Perlite, 3% blood meal, 3% bone meal, 5%bat guano and1 cup of lime. Once a weak I add Schultz 10/15/10 for veg (I know it's a little more phosphorus then needed, but thats what I do) and then Alaska Morbloom for flowering along with a tsp. of blackstrap molasses to each plant. I bought clones from my very good friend in Sacramento where I also live. I wish I had more knowledge like a lot of people on this site, but I just roll with the flow, really. This is my 5th season outdoors and I have grown monsters every time. Mostly luck. Even my friend who sells me the clones is amazed every year. I also have my second indoor season (bubble) and am happy with both products. I love this site and want to thank everyone for being so helpful with my many questions, so THANKS everybody!