she looks healthy nice and bushy, And see i didnt know i would have to keep inbreeding to get stable seeds i figured they would breed true how long have you been breeding for ? sounds like i can pick up alot of things form you i wonder how that purp olger x sensi star's bud will smell like?
man the smell of the bud is so lemons with some other sents...taste good too....OK when u get ur 10 pack grow them all out at one time if u can,watch them very closely and take notes of which one pops 1st, how they grow, health, thick stems, hight,etc....make sure ur able to see calxes on ur females before flowering it a show they are mature and ready to flower(also take note of which one was 1st to do so) then clone all of the females(and save in veg)..let all the females start to bud..pull ur males but DONT kill them,find a nice male to use. look at leafs,stems,growth,health,etc...pick and save pollen as it comes by week 2 or 3 put the pollen on a branch of all of ur females,then lable them(the branch).. i put pollen on them about two times in a week...stay with me here i know this is long!......continue to watch all females very closely let them bud as always(this will let u see which 1 does best) but let them go about a week or so longer so ur seeds will be mature..after harvest and cure,see which one yields the most, then smoke the bud to test for potency..remeber to keep seeds apart from one another, pick the female u love the most and has most of what u u can do a few things: u can "backcross" to the clone mother so ur seeds look just like her, or u can grow out the seeds and IBL the best looking brothers and sisters of ur choice...any Q's???.....hope this helped....MEANGREEN.