Measurements for Super Soil recipe for 1 bag, check my math


Well-Known Member
So ya, I'm high. I wanna give SS a retry, but don't feel like spending all the money on ALL of it, when I only want to run a 1/8-1/4 of the amount used in the original recipe. Just enough to run 1-4 plants really. I don't really have enough space to mix even a half batch. So I tried to break down all the numbers for a 1/4 and a 1/8 batch.

The problem I had is that I don't really know how to convert lbs to any usable measurement. SO! I got really baked, and started thinking about all the measurements I've learned in the last few years. The problem is that I don't really know if I'm mixing dry and liquid measurements and what the difference is. I really don't have a science background. So I did what I thought was right while I was baked, looked it over a little bit more clear headed and the numbers look decent from what I know. Let me know if you see anything wrong.

Here is my reasoning
2 TBS = 1 oz
16 oz = 1 lb.
1 lb. = 32 TBS, 2 cups

I think that is about it. Here is what I came up with otherwise. Like I said, let me know if I'm off.

1/4 batch:
2 bags roots
6.25-12.5lbs worm castings
1.25 lbs Fish bone meal
1.25 lbs Bat guano
1.25 lbs Blood Meal
3/16 cup epsom salt (3 TBS?)
1/4 cup dolomite lime
1/8 cup Azomite
1/2 TBS humic acid

1/8 Batch:
1 bag roots
3.125-6.25 lbs Worm Casting (6.25-12.5 cups)
.625 lbs Fish Bone Meal (20 TBS?)
.625 lbs Bat Guano (20 TBS?)
.625 lbs Blood Meal (20 TBS?)
3/32 cup TBS Epsom Salt (1.5 TBS)
1/8 Cup Dolomite Lime (2 TBS)
1/16 Cup Azomite (1 TBS)
1/4 TBS humic acid (3.75ml)


Active Member
Very usefull man i'm pretty much in the same spot as you having no room to store 3 cans full of soil... I hope the recipe will be approved so i try that SS eventually!



Active Member
I'm currently using canna terra and iguana juice from advanced nutriens along with some other boosters... I tried to keep it organic but thess looks really dope...


Well-Known Member
All of the measurements look good to me, and I've checked my math quite a few times. I've made an eighth and half batch before. To make the measurements a little easier on yourself for the blood/bone meal and guano you can also use ounces.

Also, I've ran couple eighth batches of super soil before with just roots and it seemed to be too hot for my plants. I even had tried different strains and also moved my grow to a different house with better environmental conditions, but the girls still burnt up for entire grows, threw some nanners, and were somewhat stunted in growth. My last grow I ended up cutting the roots the 50/50 with some seedling mix and then mixing the super soil ingredients in. Once I put my flav girls into 5 gal pots with the new mix my plants blew up! They were so healthy the entire grow and I didn't have one problem. Hope this info is some help!


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot OP. +Rep for saving me lots of time. I was actually at the hydro store last week trying to get all the ingredients to make a batch. Unfortunately they didn't have not even half of the stuff I needed so I just decided to wait. I know if you hadn't posted this, I would have had to figure out for myself someday soon. Thanks OP :D Positive vibes and wishes your way!