Measurng pH


Active Member

I have three jiffy pellets which have been under light for a day and seeds were placed underneath around 3 days ago. All three are showing a sprout. Throughout I have been using around pH 6 water.I have been doing this using a pH scale (by eye) and a pH measuring agent (add 2 drops to a 2ml sample of solution). I have heard that I should be using a pH of 5.5 - 5.8is this true? Also what colour should I be looking for on the pH scale since I don't have a digital pH reader yet. Thanks again for your help!


Well-Known Member

I have three jiffy pellets which have been under light for a day and seeds were placed underneath around 3 days ago. All three are showing a sprout. Throughout I have been using around pH 6 water.I have been doing this using a pH scale (by eye) and a pH measuring agent (add 2 drops to a 2ml sample of solution). I have heard that I should be using a pH of 5.5 - 5.8is this true? Also what colour should I be looking for on the pH scale since I don't have a digital pH reader yet. Thanks again for your help!
If your not in soil or hydro yet, I'ts not that critical. 5 to 7 is fine untill you repot your pellets. Once you start adding your nute's, you definitly need to keep a close eye on your PH or you will end up locking out certain nute's to your plants. As allready mentioned, soil 6.3 to 65, and hydro best at 5.8. Dont count on getting anywhere close to an accurate reading with those test strips. Get yourself a couple of good digital meters for PH and EC .