Medibles for Patient on Dialysis?

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips or recipes for a patient on dialysis, due to kidney failure? I'm visiting one of my friends who is going through a tough time (the patient in the chair next to him in dialysis this morning, died suddenly), and I'd love to bring him some edibles, but I only have recipes for sweets or canna breads/muffins, etc...

His kidney failure is pretty extreme, and he's already lost one eye, had his leg amputated from the knee down, and has been hospitalized again in the last week for gangrene on his toes & remaining foot. It's not looking good, and he's pretty bummed.

We're going over to smoke him out, but I don't have much green to spare (my harvest is not ready til mid February), but I've got TONS of cannabutter. Guess I could make him some veggie cheese muffins, with very little sugar, but I don't know how the actual carbs converting to sugar might upset the applecart.

Any advice or points to previous posts would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Is it the same restrictions as diabetics? If so, I have a really good recipe for diabetic muffins.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Yes, same restrictions, basically (as he is a diabetic, but controlling it thru diet, not insulin). I made him some of the grossest muffins yesterday. Gross because they were SO healthy -- the batter tasted like spackel. It's probably just me, as I'm a sugar or cheese nut, so if those ingredients are lacking, I whine about it. My friend was pleased, but that was before he had even tried the muffins.

I was thinking of using the excess batter to regrout the patio bricks. :-)

ANY recipes you've got would be appreciated.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear this... glad you are willing to help out.. few these days would consider it..

fwiw... what to avoid using

I dont know much about the kidneys so not much help here...
Very helpful website -- I never knew so many healthy vegetables could be harmful for a patient with kidney troubles (like tomatoes! Who knew?).

Thank you Gioua, I appreciate your input.