Medical Cannabis at work CBC article


Well-Known Member

The article has some valid information and some comical points.

here is the one comical one that stood out to me:

"One alternative way to accommodate a worker's needs would be to provide the worker with a leave of absence until the medical issue is resolved, MacDonald said."

Most patients have chronic issues that don't ever go away or if you are in dire straits the odds are you are not physically able to work anyways

A lawyer at the end explains she tells companies to tighten up their drug and alcohol policies in an effort to circumvent some patients to access medical use of cannabis at work i.e. driving logging trucks, transports, etc... some of this makes sense, other parts are just vilifying cannabis because of its legal status.

"Medical cannabis now needs to be viewed like every other doctor-prescribed drug."

as always read the comments, they provide a laugh and the odd moment of insight.


Well-Known Member
I'm my own boss.... so I get wasted at work.... guess that's my own problem but that's how I accommodate myself...really can't give myself a leave of absence till my medical issue is resolved as my medical issue can't get resolved....unless I want to wait for a miracle


Well-Known Member
same here self it was easy for me to get it past management that I need to medicate at work....
funny part is I have only once been accused of being ...high.....on the job...and that was when I had run out of meds...
so go figure....


Well-Known Member
I use heavy equipment at work.... as that is my job..... Im high everyday I work.... I don't smoke up in vehicles (unless it mine) my boss knows I have to get high during work and at busy times I actual radio I'm stepping out for 5 mins.... means I'm getting high lol
He tells me anytime I need to medicate to do so.

Sometimes 15 hour long days.

I believe you can do almost anything high if you have the mental ability to do so

It's the dumbasses that fuck things up for us


Well-Known Member
If it were a matter of worker safety, I understand the concerns...even though they may not be valid, as a regular user doesn't 'get high' like a weekend rec user. It's when someone is not in a safety sensitive job and they still get treated like a pariah.. that needs to change. Hell I had to deal with that bullshit as a volunteer. There needs to be a bunch of discrimination suits against employers to wake them up. It is a human rights violation to treat someone differently simply because of the medicine they choose. I get fucked up on a T-3 and never once had an employer complain about that, I guess that's ok cause it's not weed. Even when the employer knows he/she is unable to fire or discipline a person for using pot, they try other ways to get to the evil mmj user. I'm a 'independent contractor' at my new position, so I am self employed, but the property owner doesn't know I smoke. I'm not about to share the info, but I am ready to deal with it should it arise. She is a psychologist who does work for veterans affairs, and her clients are vets with ptsd...I'm sure she's heard of mmj!