Medical Marijuana Card Revoked


Well-Known Member
I just read in the Medical Marihuana Act of Michigan that if the Patient is found to be not using Marihuana to alleviate the Patients medical condition, it will be revoked. I, actually have a real condition, but how would they find out if someone wasn't using it to help with medical problems? Would it be during a checkup and the Doctor says you're all better? Or what. Has anyone had there card revoked because it seemed as if you were no longer using Marihuana for medicinal purposes?
if u can prove your growing/smoking og kush for medical use the law can not take your percriction. not sure about growing/smoking gdp or northern lights or grape ape, i thinks thats considered weed.
The strain name has nothing to do with it. It would have to be proven in a court of law that you're not a legit medical user. It's awful hard to prove since you have your doc's recommendation and patient records are supposed to be private.

the strains name does make a difference sir. and so does the test results, and so does having a lawyer on retainer (for a cheap monthly price). every thing matters in court.
I just read in the Medical Marihuana Act of Michigan that if the Patient is found to be not using Marihuana to alleviate the Patients medical condition, it will be revoked. I, actually have a real condition, but how would they find out if someone wasn't using it to help with medical problems? Would it be during a checkup and the Doctor says you're all better? Or what. Has anyone had there card revoked because it seemed as if you were no longer using Marihuana for medicinal purposes?

Stop being so paranoid. I doubt the doctor would decide your all done with your card they will most likely just let you go up to your experation date and then when you go to renew they will decide then. The burden of proof would be on the state to take it away from you but if you are following all of the laws that require you not to distribute your medicine you'll be ok. How do you prove a certified patient is smoking his/her own medicine in a way other then to medicate. If you have a real medical condition then you should have nothin to worry about.
the strains name does make a difference sir. and so does the test results, and so does having a lawyer on retainer (for a cheap monthly price). every thing matters in court.

to a court they dont care about the name. has a drunk driver ever been asked what kind of alcohol he ingested before driving? nope, its all the same. and in Michigan there are NO labs that are certified to test medical marijuana, certified by the State that is.