Medical Marijuana


Active Member
My wife is waiting for her medical card and iam waiting for my card to grow from health canada. For growing, health canada states there are requirements for the production site, the most important being electrical safety and being up to code. They recommend getting an electrician to certify your electrical status before getting started. The police or health canada may bring a city bylaw officer or a representative of your local power company to your home or production site to ensure your up to code. Living in a small town where everyone knows each other this concerns me. I would like to keep this discreet. I would like to know if any one has had a visit like this .
thank you;


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is harmful to the throat, lung, brain, heart and so on. So to enjoying the life there is require to quite the smoking Marijuana. Another thing is that it is the passive smoking and harmful to others' health also.
Are you some sort of pharmaceutical industry spam bot or something? You have 4 posts on this forum saying that marijuana is extremely harmful to our mental and physical health yet your signature points to a site where one can purchase ambien ...a drug with too many side effects to count.


Well-Known Member
It will take about five minutes or so to report them for hijacking your thread, I suggest you take the time.