MegaPot's hydro room/setup


Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to check out my setup.

At this point I can't count how many different ideas and setups I've done. The way things are setup now is probably after about a 1/2 dozen designs using everything from aeroponics to DWC and some in between.

The three pictures posted on here are of the previous setup. These clones were created toward the end of Dec. These pics are from a week into Jan


I guess I dont understand why not make a flat table and use the lights just hanging from the ceiling?

and what does your name mean?
Pot like container as in your are a big container


as in Pot weed that you are huge or grow huge weed.


This is the latest, its not 100% done but its a work in progress. Within 2 weeks I should have it completed. It'll have to be done because I'll need the space.

The plumbing system is automated. The valves on the wall run to each res so I can fill them easier. There are two 25Gallon tanks that link to each other. Its gravity fed down into the totes below. I water off of timers, the water goes down each gutter and just plumbs back into the res again.



I guess I dont understand why not make a flat table and use the lights just hanging from the ceiling?

and what does your name mean?
Pot like container as in your are a big container


as in Pot weed that you are huge or grow huge weed.
You are right, and you'll see the change to them. I did it that way due to the space, but since I moved my res I was able to change the design.
MegaPot... Just cause I'm really into my weed


Well-Known Member
damn that looks like a lot of stuff going on and alot of things to go wrong, for plants that would fit in a simple 100 dollar 3x3 table


Yeah maybe but it was more fun to do it this way.
The gutters also move through 3 stations before they are complete. Starting under the long fluros and then to the stage they are in now, and then finally to the end.
I intend to eventually run the final stage with 4 totes of water so that each section of 3 plants can have a different combo of nutes, that way I can figure out what likes things better.
There are probably a lot of different ways I could have built it but this is sort of the way it came together. Was fun to build and now will be fun to watch the run through as well.

Here in the pics the larger ones just starting flower are about 5 weeks old from cloning


Here are some updated pictures

Some small changes, routed the drain/fill lines a little better, more or less trial/error
Upgraded water pump as the flower stage is demanding more nutes and my little pump just wasn't delivering what i needed.

Designed new reflector for the veg stage some small clones waiting for rooting to behind sitting under it with a few plants that were left over from last time.

The ones under flower are about 3 weeks in now, looking pretty tasty.
Running full nutes about 1300ppm in flower right now. The small tubes up the middle are Co2 just the sugar/yeast method.

EDIT: Running PH around 6.5ish as well

So far, so good :)



Rebel From The North
Here are some updated pictures

Some small changes, routed the drain/fill lines a little better, more or less trial/error
Upgraded water pump as the flower stage is demanding more nutes and my little pump just wasn't delivering what i needed.

Designed new reflector for the veg stage some small clones waiting for rooting to behind sitting under it with a few plants that were left over from last time.

The ones under flower are about 3 weeks in now, looking pretty tasty.
Running full nutes about 1300ppm in flower right now. The small tubes up the middle are Co2 just the sugar/yeast method.

So far, so good :)
looking good man. keep up the updates


I posted some more pics, turned the flash off this time

I think the setup is working well so far, the roots seem pretty happy in the gutters and they are growing daily still.

Nodes are pretty close together and I think I'll benefit with some big kolas in the end.

Thanks for checking it out :)

