Member 6 years and this is my first post!!! PA petition to decriminalize marijuana.


Active Member
Ok I'm going to start out with a simple introduction of myself.

Hi, I'm Steve.. now lets get to the point...

lol jk, but seriously I am Steve an have been a very silent member of this forum for almost 6 years and will get into more of who I am and why I'm here in the following story. I have enjoyed reading and following many interesting threads. Although I DO NOT grow (bc it is illegal :hump:) I have a gained a vast amount of technique, skill and overall knowledge through the years of following the forums.

So after almost 6 years of just reading, why have I decided to make my first post?
Well there is a slight story behind that. Like most of us, I was once a stupid kid (some say I still am) who used marijuana in with friends while in high school. Back then I thought of marijuana as nothing other than a feel good drug like alcohol. After high school I decided to join the United States Marine Corps. I had buddies who would sneak a joint or a blunt every now and again and always thought they were f*in retarded. Which they were. When working for Uncle Sam smoking a single joint can be absolutely devastating to the rest of your life. The chances of being caught are far greater as well. Why risk it? I never did. Instead I got busted for underage drinking at a pre-deployment party since I was going to turn 21 in Iraq. Pretty F***IN SH**TY. Oh well, I took the slap on the wrist and went on my way. Although I can not talk about a lot of the things I did while in Iraq I can say that I did not make it through my entire tour. I was Med-Evac'd to Germany and then back home to the US were I underwent my surgeries. After a year battling with recovery I was found unfit for duty and discharged Honorably from a med-board evaluation. The doctors continued to pound me with medication that seemed to do more harm than good. Giving me meds to fix what the last ones have done. A buddy of mine told me about the positive side of marijuana, which I thought at the time was all bulls**t. After awhile I started researching the medicinal benefits of marijuana and said F**k it why not give it a shot. Since I have started to smoke my quality of life has increased ten fold. The more I researched the more positive my outlook on marijuana became. I found the financial aspect for our government quite interesting. The money our government can save (not make) by the decriminalization of marijuana is enough to question why it is illegal. Pennsylvania spends over $300 million a year in the prosecution of marijuana crimes. That money could be going back into our communities for parks, schools, fixing the damn pot holes and bridges that are collapsing and so many other useful and needed things. Can you imagine what we could do if they legalized and taxed it. Now yes I know none of us want to pay taxes, but it is necessary in order for the state to take care of what they need to, and that opens a whole nother debate on how use our tax dollars and so forth. The point is even with tax on it, it would still be cheaper than buying it from the street dealer. We can see that in 15 other states already. With all the positives, why is marijuana still illegal?

So the point of this thread is to inform you all that I have had enough. I have put together a petition for the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania in order to decriminalize marijuana. I am no legislator nor am I trying to be one. My petition is only for the decriminalization of marijuana in the state of Pennsylvania, and for marijuana to be regulated in the same way as the legal more dangerous drug, alcohol. I need the support of the people to make this happen. I have a page on and have the backing of their organizers to help me along the way. The only thing I need is the voice of the people in the form of signatures. Please sign the petition @
I want to thank all that sign for your support.