Men, how would this make you feel?


Well-Known Member
My stepdad is getting surgery today... He's getting the underside of his penis sliced open, so they can clean all the scar tissue out of his ureathra. Pretty much filleting him, then stitching back up.... Im just wondering, most guys would be tripping like he is, right?


Well-Known Member
Okay I'll give you the benefit of the doubt with an honest answer.

Yes I'd need lots of drugs to even get me on that surgery table.


Active Member
Ahhhhhh!!!! I had one surgery down there. Was to get fixed, shut down the baby maker. I was so flipped out, till the drugs kicked in. The recovery was horrible. Felt like I stood there while someone used my sack for kicking practice, and that was just a tiny incision.


Well-Known Member
no big deal. i would be telling myself at least i can piss out my dick again . You just gonna wake up on morphine or a generic and come home with oxy so he will never feel the pain.


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess its either this or wear a catheter for the rest of his life, cause when he pees out of his dick, he pees blood and scar tissue, guess its excruating... there was so much scar tissue he had to get the catheter as a tube in his stomach, they couldnt get it into his dick... :( :( i feel hella bad for him

Hey Psssst

I was diagnosed with bladder C last year..I've had cameras (cyctoscopy), hot burning wires (T.U.R.B.T) and tuberculosis virus stuck up dick...

and most while wide awake...

so I get the post..

but after having my pants off on every floor in hosp its all normal now...

and not sure but think one time it was a janitor ...???

give him my best...and tell him to hang in there...

Hey Psssst

no big deal. i would be telling myself at least i can piss out my dick again . You just gonna wake up on morphine or a generic and come home with oxy so he will never feel the pain.

Damn straight.. I had a clot block me...and when it gave out it looked like someone was murdered in my bathroom...

ambulance and whole 9 yrds...

even with cath I was just glad to be up and pissing..


Well-Known Member
yeah but if he keeps the catheter he wouldnt be able to do his job anymore, he needs the complete fix


Well-Known Member
man miracles of medicine.......... ad be thinking about running tho :shock: that shit is unreal the image would haunt me :(

Hey Psssst

yeah but if he keeps the catheter he wouldnt be able to do his job anymore, he needs the complete fix
its like my Dr told ghastly that it is..and it is shocking shit for guys..

but even in worse case scenarios they can take it all out/off and you get ostomy bag...I know guy in BC that has one and works at building houses...

some times you get shit like this in areas where you get 0 symptoms till too late... or part that you can't live without...

I worked for years with a mechanic that had piss bag...

compared to waking up dead a good alternative..


Well-Known Member
he's being knocked out, then they'll slice and scrape all the scar tissue away
Urca - could you please reframe from saying "scrape". How about "remove" instead. It just sounds a little more gentle. Our MEMBERS are very sensitive instruments that need to be handled with care.