Mephisto Tyrone Special... 5 gal DWC.. lots o pics


Well-Known Member
she was grown under 2 Cxa 3070's running 105W's each with a 10K and 420NM t5 side light.

nutes 1tsp maxi bloom with 1ml micro, 3.5ml botanicare pure blend tea, 1.5 ml biostrath. 1/8 tsp great white shark. started at that then went to that per GAL 4 weeks after seed. started flush 4 days before harvest.. pure water.

results about 6.5 oz dry.. could have been more if i had the chance to let it go longer she was 12 weeks from seed when cut.. probably could have gone to 14 or 15.. still good smoke though


Well-Known Member
Appreciate this post man, I'll be getting Tyrone Special soon, and thinking 5 gallon coco hempy for it. I'll also be getting Hubbabubbasmelloscope, and maybe Grape Crinkle. Cant wait!