Mercury Vapor grow box!


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow growers!

I've been reading RIU for about a week now. Theres alot of good info here, and im thinking about trying some new ideas like the bonsai pot or getting the hydro thing down.

But thats not what I started this thread for! I have already began working on my 10th grow after a one year break. So far even being my 10th Im still learning about things like underwatering and nutes. So this grow will be a first for a few HID.

So here are the specs on the box/barrel

3 feet high 2 foot in Di.
Lined the inside with mylar
175watt Mercury Vapor (Nice blue color)& has a light sensor on off switch

Specs for the soil
about a 7 gallon pot with
god knows really..
some MG, Some backyard, osmacoat, peat moss tiny bit of some 6-1-1 just for the sake of N

The plants
10 plants 4 weeks old from baggseed(Only keeping one or two)

My only problem right now is finding fans and timers. I could use the Eye on the ballast for veg but the days will still be long when im ready for flower(witch i am). The Heat isn't so bad if I take the lid off in the photo period, but I want to be able to run the box light proof and not worry about the heat burning my house or plants up.

As always Comment at will, I'm always open to criticism. I know you want photos but my camera is on the fritz, so it will be a day or two I promise!


Well-Known Member
A mercury vapor? why not get a more productive hps. the mercury will not do much good
Well, I forgot to mention that NONE of this was paid for. I found the light in storage, its bright, blue and I am getting results that work for me. I am seeking red cfls for flower make up SOME difference. BTW this is my first Indoor grow from start to finish, normaly i'll start in a grow box and move outside, but not this time..


Well-Known Member
I added 2 27watt CFLs Cool and warm...seemed to slow the growth idk, the temps didnt change too much. still looking for a fan.


New Member
I can tell you first hand that back in the old days that, all we had was Mercury Vapor and that they did work, however as technology advanced new lighting systems have came out that will blow the socks off of a mercury vapor light. Mercury Vapor do not emmit a very good amount of benificial light for plants as compaired with even basic lighting such as T-12's. You honestly are just wasting money even though your light may be bright, the technology really is way outdated. There is some good news for you as you can go to Light bulbs, Rope Lights, Halogen and Fluorescent bulb - 1000-Bulbs - The Light Bulb Superstore and buy a conversion bulb for your mercury vapor balast.... IMO your wasting alot of energy for minimal results, and a simple up grade will advance your garden in ways you could never imagine, as plants that are getting the right spectrum are going to not only yield more but be of a better quality, and be easier to keep healthy(IE less stress).......


Well-Known Member
I can tell you first hand that back in the old days that, all we had was Mercury Vapor and that they did work, however as technology advanced new lighting systems have came out that will blow the socks off of a mercury vapor light. Mercury Vapor do not emmit a very good amount of benificial light for plants as compaired with even basic lighting such as T-12's. You honestly are just wasting money even though your light may be bright, the technology really is way outdated. There is some good news for you as you can go to Light bulbs, Rope Lights, Halogen and Fluorescent bulb - 1000-Bulbs - The Light Bulb Superstore and buy a conversion bulb for your mercury vapor balast.... IMO your wasting alot of energy for minimal results, and a simple up grade will advance your garden in ways you could never imagine, as plants that are getting the right spectrum are going to not only yield more but be of a better quality, and be easier to keep healthy(IE less stress).......
Wow great info thanx, I was just doing with what I had. So you think I should keep the balast gor a T`12? whats so bad about useing mercury vapor?? just no good bud or what?


New Member
They do work, but like I said the yield quality and health of your ladies will suffer with MV. It is really your choice as to what you do but personaly I would use CFL's over a MV any day... and a matter of what you expect to get out of your grow......


Well-Known Member
They do work, but like I said the yield quality and health of your ladies will suffer with MV. It is really your choice as to what you do but personaly I would use CFL's over a MV any day... and a matter of what you expect to get out of your grow......
Yeah I'm gonna switch to full CFL after the extra 20 pounds on the energy bill, But I think I'll runn it every now and then just cause I found it...

Another thing I'm runnin 24/12 just to see if I can get more veg in less time, It seems to be working and I have develpoed alternating nodes on a few after a day and a half. Anyone ever tried this?


Well-Known Member
No...but i think your confusing the shit outa your plants, it doesn't know what to do...remember you need 12 hours of dark for the plant to start all your really doing is increasing the chances for hermies or my opinion.


Active Member
Even if it was free, MV is old technology. Get an HPS or CMH in the lower wattage. Way more usable lumen.


Well-Known Member
Alright, So I stayed 12/12 strait and in my years of growing I've never had them grow so much in the dark, whats up with that?
I was thinking it would be cool to lst them in a braid like vine running in a sprial up the sides of the barrel for better light exposure, but I never seen it done. I did do some lst with just wire stuck in the soil, worked great. I had to spread a few out cause they were like shade trees for the toped ones lol.


Well-Known Member
Today Im goning to make a few changes..I noticed my growth is much to stunted for their age and space givein for rooting and veg growth. I am noticing the growth diffrence with the lst and non lst.

First: Bottled water! been useing tap
Second: Mv 4 hours of 12 Cfl Full time
Third: vent system buy a walmart fan Smallest they have

How do I use my rose food (11-40-6)and not burn my plants? think this will help make up some time? Help plx with the rose food.


Well-Known Member
Thats fine, i like the sound of this, plus results on a MV bulb would be nice.

I'm seriously considering robbing a few street lights. I saw a guy replacing one today, i asked him about it, 400 watt HPS bulb, straight in.