Messed up my lighting cycle!


Active Member
Ok, so for some reason it took me untill today (25 days into vegitive) to notice that my timer is set for 16 hours when the whole time i thought it was set at 18 hours, with only a few days till schedualed to switch over lighting to 12/12 im wondering since everyone says during vegi the lights should be on at least 18 hours what might be the result of my stupidity, and what i can do to help the problem?? please help//:weed:


Well-Known Member
Mostly likely just slowed vegetative growth (2 hours less light per day than 18/6).

I doubt any major harm will come from this, tiny possibility of hermaphrodites, but highly UNlikely.

Most probably the worst part is that your plants will be (2 hours per day) smaller when you switch to 12/12 than they would have been if they had been receiving 18 hours of light per day.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i shouldnt think it would be to bad. maybe your plants would just have grown a tiny bit less.but might cross into flowering a lil quicker due to less stress than a straight switch from 18/6 to 12/12. just a thought.:joint:


Well-Known Member
About the only thing you can do to fix the situation is hop in you delorean and fire up the flux capacitor.

Just gotta move forward and go 12/12. All you did is lost a little growth, no big deal.


Active Member
another thing my humidity is at 21% and temperature is around 90 is this to big of a difference.. the temperature doesnt drop more then 15% at night so i figure the only harm is the fact that insects like hot dry conditions .. but if a big problem how should i cool down my 1000 watt hps 8x8 room?