Metal Halide bulbs (Mh) Grow lamp


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Metal halide lamp

Metal halide lamps, a member of the high-intensity discharge (HID) family of lamps, produce high light output for their size, making them a compact, powerful, and efficient light source. Originally created in the late 1960's for industrial use, metal halide lamps are now available in numerous sizes and configurations for commercial and residential applications. Like most HID lamps, metal halide lamps operate under high pressure and temperature, and require special fixtures to operate safely. They are also considered a "point" light source, so reflective luminaires are often required to concentrate the light for purposes of the lighting application....


Image:150 Watt Metal Halide.jpg


Metal halide lamps are used both for general industrial purposes, and for very specific applications which require specific UV or blue-frequency light. They are used for indoor growing applications, because they can provide the spectrum and temperature of light which encourage general plant growth. They are most often used in athletic facilities. Metal Halide lights are quite popular with reef aquarists, who need a high intensity light source for their corals. Another widespread use for such lamps is in higher end professional lighting fixtures, especially intelligent lighting. In this application they are commonly known as MSD lamps, and are generally used in 150, 250, 575 and 1200 watt ratings.


Like other gas-discharge lamps such as the very-similar mercury-vapor lamps, metal halide lamps produce light by passing an electric arc through a mixture of gases. In a metal halide lamp, the compact arc tube contains a high-pressure mixture of argon, mercury, and a variety of metal halides. The mixture of halides will affect the nature of light produced, influencing the correlated color temperature and intensity (making the light bluer, or redder, for example). The argon gas in the lamp is easily ionized, and facilitates striking the arc across the two electrodes when voltage is first applied to the lamp. The heat generated by the arc then vaporizes the mercury and metal halides, which produce light as the temperature and pressure increases. Common operating conditions inside the arc tube are 70-90 PSI (480-620 kPa) and 2000 °F (1090 °C).
Like all other gas discharge lamps, metal halide lamps require auxiliary equipment to provide proper starting and operating voltages and regulate the current flow in the lamp.
About 24% of the energy used by metal halide lamps produces light (65-115 lm/OpenDNS[1]), making them generally more efficient than fluorescent lamps, and substantially more efficient than incandescent bulbs.


Metal halide lamps consist of the following main components. They have a metal base (in some cases they are double-ended) that allows an electrical connection. They are covered with an outer glass shield (or glass bulb) to protect the inner components and provide a shield to UV light generated by the mercury vapor. Inside the glass shield, a series of support and lead wires hold the inner fused quartz arc tube and its embedded tungsten electrodes. It is within the arc tube that the light is actually created. Besides the mercury vapor, the lamp contains iodides or sometimes bromides of different metals and noble gas. The composition of the metals used defines the color of the lamp.
Instead of the quartz tube used in mercury vapour lamps, many metal halide types have an alumina arc tube similar to the high pressure sodium lamp. They are usually referred as ceramic metal halide or CMH.
Some bulbs have a phosphor coating on the inner side of the outer bulb to improve the spectrum and diffuse the light.


Metal halide lamps require electrical ballasts to regulate the arc current flow and deliver the proper voltage to the arc. Probe start metal halide bulbs contain a special 'starting' electrode within the lamp to initiate the arc when the lamp is first lit (which generates a slight flicker when the lamp is first turned on). Pulse start metal halide lamps do not require a starting electrode, and instead use a special starting circuit referred to as an ignitor to generate a high-voltage pulse to the operating electrodes. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) lamp-ballast system standards establish parameters for all metal halide components (with the exception of some newer products).
A few electronic ballasts are now available for metal halide lamps. The benefit of these ballasts is more precise management of the lamp's wattage, which provides more consistent color and longer lamp life. In some cases, electronic ballasts are reported to increase efficiency (i.e. reduce electrical usage). However with few exceptions, high-frequency operation does not increase lamp efficiency as in the case of high-output (HO) or very high-output (VHO) fluorescent bulbs. High frequency electronic operation does however allow for specially designed dimming metal halide ballast systems.

Color temperature

Metal halide lamps were initially preferred to mercury vapor lamps in instances where natural light was desired because of the whiter light generated (mercury vapor lamps generating light that was much bluer). However the distinction today is not as great. Some metal halide lamps can deliver very clean "white" light that has a color-rendering index (CRI) in the 80's. With the introduction of specialized metal halide mixtures, metal halide lamps are now available that can have a correlated color temperature as low as 3000 K (very yellow) to 20,000 K (very blue). Some specialized lamps have been created specifically for the spectral absorption needs of plants (indoor gardening) or animals (indoor aquariums). Perhaps the most important point to keep in mind is that, due to tolerances in the manufacturing process, color temperature can vary slightly from lamp to lamp, and the color properties of metal halide bulbs cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy. Moreover, per ANSI standards the color specifications of metal halide bulbs are measured after the bulb has been burned for 100 hours (seasoned). The color characteristics of a metal halide lamp will not conform to specifications until the bulb has been properly seasoned. Color temperature variance is seen greatest in "probe start" technology lamps (±300 kelvins). Newer metal halide technology, referred to as "pulse start," has improved color rendering and a more controlled kelvin variance (±100 to 200 kelvins). The color temperature of a metal halide lamp can also be affected by the electrical characteristics of the electrical system powering the bulb and manufacturing variances in the bulb itself. If a metal halide bulb is underpowered it will have a lower physical temperature and its light output will be 'cooler' (more blue, or very similar to that of a mercury vapor lamp). This is because the lower arc temperature will not completely vaporize and ionize the halide salts which are primarily responsible for the warmer colors (reds, yellows), thus the more-readily ionized mercury will dominate the light output. This phenomenon is also seen during warmup, when the arc tube has not yet reached full operating temperature and the halides have not fully vaporized. The inverse is true for an overpowered bulb, but this condition can be hazardous, leading possibly to arc-tube rupture due to overheating and overpressure. Moreover, the color properties of metal halide lamps often change over the lifetime of the bulb. Often, in large installations of MH lamps, particularly of the quartz arc-tube variety, it will be seen that no two are exactly alike in color.

Starting and warm up

A cold metal halide lamp cannot immediately begin producing its full light capacity because the temperature and pressure in the inner arc chamber require time to reach full operating levels. Starting the initial argon arc sometimes takes a few seconds, and the warm up period can be as long as five minutes (depending upon lamp type). During this time the lamp exhibits different colors as the various metal halides vaporize in the arc chamber.
If power is interrupted, even briefly, the lamp's arc will extinguish, and the high pressure that exists in the hot arc tube will prevent re-striking the arc; a cool-down period of 5-10 minutes will be required before the lamp can be re-started. This is a major concern in some lighting applications where prolonged lighting interruption could create manufacturing shut-down or a safety issue. A few metal halide lamps are made with "instant restrike" capabilities where the lamp, ballast and socket are built to withstand the 30,000 volt re-ignition pulse supplied via a separate anode wire.

End of life

At the end of life, metal halide lamps exhibit a phenomenon known as cycling. These lamps can be started at a relatively low voltage but as they heat up during operation, the internal gas pressure within the arc tube rises and more and more voltage is required to maintain the arc discharge. As a lamp gets older, the maintaining voltage for the arc eventually rises to exceed the voltage provided by the electrical ballast. As the lamp heats to this point, the arc fails and the lamp goes out. Eventually, with the arc extinguished, the lamp cools down again, the gas pressure in the arc tube is reduced, and the ballast can once again cause the arc to strike. The effect of this is that the lamp glows for a while and then goes out, repeatedly.
More-sophisticated ballast designs detect cycling and give up attempting to start the lamp after a few cycles. If power is removed and reapplied, the ballast will make a new series of startup attempts.

Dangers and effects on humans

[OpenDNS] Eyes

Although an excellent source of lighting for the reef aquarium, there has been concern voiced by some aquarists over the potential ill-effects of close-range contact with metal halide lighting which is demanded by the hobby. Some individuals have noticed temporary blurred vision even after very brief exposure to metal halide lighting. This blurring of vision could be linked to OpenDNS (snow blindness) - the result of unprotected exposure to OpenDNS (UV) radiation.

High pressure HPS/SON

High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps are smaller and contain additional elements such as mercury, and produce a dark pink glow when first struck, and a pinkish orange light when warmed. Some bulbs also briefly produce a pure to bluish white light in between. This is probably from the mercury glowing before the sodium is completely warmed. The sodium D-line is the main source of light from the HPS lamp, and it is extremely pressure broadened by the high sodium pressures in the lamp; hence colors of objects under them can be distinguished. This leads them to be used in areas where good color rendering is important, or desired. Thus, its new model name SON is the variant for "Sun".
High pressure sodium lamps are quite efficient—about 100 lm/W, up to 150 lm/W, when measured for photopic lighting conditions. They have been widely used for outdoor lighting such as streetlights and security lighting. Understanding the change in human color vision sensitivity from photopic to mesopic and scotopic is essential for proper planning when designing lighting for roads.
Because of the extremely high chemical activity of the high pressure sodium arc, the arc tube is typically made of translucent aluminum oxide (alumina). This construction led General Electric to use the tradename "Lucalox" for their line of high-pressure sodium lamps.
OpenDNS at a low pressure is used as a "starter gas" in the HPS lamp. It has the lowest thermal conductivity and lowest ionization potential of all the non-radioactive noble gases. As a noble gas, it does not interfere with the chemical reactions occurring in the operating lamp. The low thermal conductivity minimizes thermal losses in the lamp while in the operating state, and the low ionization potential causes the breakdown voltage of the gas to be relatively low in the cold state, which allows the lamp to be easily started.

White SON

A variation of the high pressure sodium, the White SON, introduced in 1986, has a higher pressure than the typical HPS lamp, producing a color temperature of around 2700 OpenDNS, with a OpenDNS of 85; greatly resembling the color of incandescent light.[2] These are often indoors in cafes and restaurants to create a certain atmosphere. However, these lamps come at the cost of higher purchase cost, shorter life, and lower light efficiency.

Theory of operation

Diagram of a high pressure sodium lamp.

The operation of a high-pressure sodium lamp is illustrated in the diagram located above

An amalgam of metallic sodium and mercury lies at the coolest part of the lamp and provides the sodium and mercury vapor in which the arc is drawn. The temperature of the amalgam is determined to a great extent by lamp power. The higher the lamp power, the higher will be the amalgam temperature. The higher the temperature of the amalgam, the higher will be the mercury and sodium vapor pressures in the lamp. An increase in these metal pressures will cause a decrease in the electrical resistance of the lamp. For a given voltage, there are generally three modes of operation:
  1. The lamp is extinguished and no current flows.
  2. The lamp is operating with liquid amalgam in the tube.
  3. The lamp is operating with all amalgam evaporated.
The first and last states are stable, because the lamp resistance is weakly related to the voltage, but the second state is unstable. Any anomalous increase in current will cause an increase in power, causing an increase in amalgam temperature, which will cause a decrease in resistance, which will cause a further increase in current. This will create a runaway effect, and the lamp will jump to the high-current state (#3). Since actual lamps are not designed to handle this much power, this would result in catastrophic failure. Similarly, an anomalous drop in current will drive the lamp to extinction. It is the second state which is the desired operating state of the lamp, because a slow loss of the amalgam over time from a reservoir will have less effect on the characteristics of the lamp than a fully evaporated amalgam. The result is an average lamp life in excess of 20,000 hours.
In practical use, the lamp is powered by an AC voltage source in series with an inductive "ballast" in order to supply a nearly constant current to the lamp, rather than a constant voltage, thus assuring stable operation. The ballast is usually inductive rather than simply being resistive which minimizes resistive losses. Also, since the lamp effectively extinguishes at each zero-current point in the AC cycle, the inductive ballast assists in the reignition by providing a voltage spike at the zero-current point.
The light from the lamp consists of atomic emission lines of mercury and sodium, but is dominated by the sodium D-line emission. This line is extremely pressure (resonance) broadened and is also self-reversed due to absorption in the cooler outer layers of the arc, giving the lamp its improved color rendering characteristics. In addition, the red wing of the D-line emission is further pressure broadened by the Van der Waals forces from the mercury atoms in the arc.

Light pollution considerations

For placements where light pollution is of prime importance (for example an observatory parking lot), low pressure sodium is preferred. Sodium emits light on only one wavelength, and therefore is the easiest to filter out.
One consequence of widespread public lighting is that on cloudy nights, cities with enough public lighting are illuminated by light reflected off the clouds. As sodium vapor lights are often the source of urban illumination, this turns the sky a tinge of orange. If the sky is clear or hazy, the light will radiate over large distances, causing large enough cities to be recognizable by an orange glow when viewed from outside the city.

End of life

At the end of life, high-pressure sodium lamps exhibit a phenomenon known as cycling. These lamps can be started at a relatively low voltage but as they heat up during operation, the internal gas pressure within the arc tube rises and more and more voltage is required to maintain the arc discharge. As a lamp gets older, the maintaining voltage for the arc eventually rises to exceed the voltage provided by the electrical ballast. As the lamp heats to this point, the arc fails and the lamp goes out. Eventually, with the arc extinguished, the lamp cools down again, the gas pressure in the arc tube is reduced, and the ballast can once again cause the arc to strike. The effect of this is that the lamp glows for a while and then goes out, repeatedly.
More sophisticated ballast designs detect cycling and give up attempting to start the lamp after a few cycles. If power is removed and reapplied, the ballast will make a new series of startup attempts.
LPS lamp failure does not result in cycling; rather, the lamp will simply not strike, and will maintain its dull red glow exhibited during the start up phase.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nice post. One thing I have been wondering the life expectancy of the MH. I heard or read somewhere that the intensity of the bulb goes down signifcantly after each use. So how often should the bulbs be changed to get the most out of our wattage. I also would like to know the same for the HPS bulbs.Im sure it is on here somewhere just haven't been able to locate it.
wow. changing every grow. that seems excessive in my opinion! you're going to be spending a lot on bulbs if you change your bulb every grow. i think others will agree you definitely do not need to change your bulb every grow....
this is direct off GROWFAQS

It depends on what type of lamp you're using.
These recommendations are based on 18 hours of daily use.

Type When to replace

1000w (mh) lamps 12 months
1000w (mh) lamps "agro sun & warm deluxe 15 months
1000w (mh) lamps u cool deluxe 6500k 12 months
400w (mh) lamps 18 months
400w (mh) lamps u cool deluxe 6500k 15 months
250w (mh) lamps u cool deluxe 5400k 12 months
175w (mh) lamps daylight bulb 5500k 15 months
All regular 75w to 250w (mh) lamps 15 months

Replace all hps after 24 months, with the exception of the son agro and super agro, replace after 15 months. Fluorescents should be replaced every 15 months. After 12 months, check the tubes if running more than one tube on a single ballast. Always replace all fluorescent tubes at the same time. Remember to always write down the day that you start using a new HID lamp. This will allow you to calculate when to replace it for best results.
this is direct off GROWFAQS

It depends on what type of lamp you're using.
These recommendations are based on 18 hours of daily use.

Type When to replace

1000w (mh) lamps 12 months
1000w (mh) lamps "agro sun & warm deluxe 15 months
1000w (mh) lamps u cool deluxe 6500k 12 months
400w (mh) lamps 18 months
400w (mh) lamps u cool deluxe 6500k 15 months
250w (mh) lamps u cool deluxe 5400k 12 months
175w (mh) lamps daylight bulb 5500k 15 months
All regular 75w to 250w (mh) lamps 15 months

Replace all hps after 24 months, with the exception of the son agro and super agro, replace after 15 months. Fluorescents should be replaced every 15 months. After 12 months, check the tubes if running more than one tube on a single ballast. Always replace all fluorescent tubes at the same time. Remember to always write down the day that you start using a new HID lamp. This will allow you to calculate when to replace it for best results.

if i had to replace my MH bulb every grow I would probably kill myself. EVERY 3-4 months... 0_o no thanks!
lol if your not a tight ass, i advise to change every grow to give your babies the bets life possible, tighter than ducks butt u are mate :D
How many people change their bulb every grow? I think every year is good for 12/12. HPS are supposed to have a longer effective life.
Good luck on getting a answer there too busy talking about there favorite f-ing movie and duck butts.
well i told u, i wud persoanlly change eveyr grow, its 30 quid a bulb, MINOR!!!! its worth it too change your bulbs every grow, unlees your on the 2 week systems, then u shouldnt change, my times are by 4 weeks veg 8 week flowers eveyr 12 weeks
Problem with that is you use 2 bulb per grow, unless you go through the entire grow with one or the other. Your answer contradicts what you say the life of a bulb is. Plus Iam curious how you know how tight a ducks butts
A metal-halide lamp is an electric light that produces light by an electric arc through a gaseous mixture of vaporized mercury and metal halides[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] (compounds of metals with bromine or iodine). They are members of the high-intensity discharge (HID) family of gas discharge lamps.[SUP][1][/SUP] Developed in the 1960s, they are similar to mercury vapor lamps,[SUP][1][/SUP] but contain additional metal compounds in the arc tube, which improve the efficiency and color rendition (whiteness) of the light.
A metal-halide lamp is an electric light that produces light by an electric arc through a gaseous mixture of vaporized mercury and metal halides[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] (compounds of metals with bromine or iodine). They are members of the high-intensity discharge (HID) family of gas discharge lamps.[SUP][1][/SUP] Developed in the 1960s, they are similar to mercury vapor lamps,[SUP][1][/SUP] but contain additional metal compounds in the arc tube, which improve the efficiency and color rendition (whiteness) of the light.