Metal Halide or HPS

I've been doing my research for the last three weeks, and have started my grow. Now I have 2 questions that I can't find answers for.

1. I recently read on another site that using a mh and hps simultaneously during vegging was the most beneficial way to light your grow room. What do you all think I trust your opinions more than any place else because you all have helped me so much already.

2.I have a 70w MH and a 150w hps. Should I scrap my 70w mh and get bigger one or will this be good for my 2x4x5 ft. grow closet.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing my research for the last three weeks, and have started my grow. Now I have 2 questions that I can't find answers for.

1. I recently read on another site that using a mh and hps simultaneously during vegging was the most beneficial way to light your grow room. What do you all think I trust your opinions more than any place else because you all have helped me so much already.

2.I have a 70w MH and a 150w hps. Should I scrap my 70w mh and get bigger one or will this be good for my 2x4x5 ft. grow closet.
i would rock them both for veg and flower. go bigger when possible as long as you can vent the heat


You may want to up the lights a little for that size grow. I dont veg long so I dont worry about a high MH to HPS ratio. My dual spectrum 250 has always seemed to produce the best, as compared to my original 150MH veg / 400HPS flower setup.