metal shavings in keef

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
so I have this shitty metal grinder, and I have run out of normal marijuana, so I scrapped it, and I got a very fair amount of keef (keif?) but it has small small pieces or shavings of metal, if I was to smoke it in a bong or vape, would it be harmful?
i had the same thing happen.. i smoked mine and i'm still alright.. well, i guess that depends on whom you ask.. :D

anyhoo's, you could run the keif back through a screen to get rid of the shavings or use a magnet to pull out any metal before consuming if you're the nervous type..
Naw, I used to scrape my metal grinder too and have tiny pieces in there. I'm pretty sure when you punch the bowl they fall and water catches the little peices, considering they won't combust.

Or they probably get stuck in the sides of your downstem's resin coating.
Naw smoke them metal shavings.....see over time thc infuses with any metal which it has come into contact with.......known as mthcbd.......great smoke/good for the lungs...blow out shiny silvery reflective clouds.......
Naw smoke them metal shavings.....see over time thc infuses with any metal which it has come into contact with.......known as mthcbd.......great smoke/good for the lungs...blow out shiny silvery reflective clouds.......

yeah this guy knows whats up hahahaha, shiny cloud of toke smoke, helarious
Smoke good for lungs, cardiovascular workouts bad for lungs.......sitting & smoking will give you healthy lungs and sexy body! ooooeeeee
Smoke it through the bong, the water should filter out the shavings therefore nothing other than smoke will go into your lungs
Btw theyre trolling you.
Actually all of you owe me money.
The metal shaving insertion method is a patented technology developed by me, which allows the resin to heat more quickly and uniformly because of the internal heating of the small pieces of metal. pat.# 684453186148651-151661t
I take checks. 10 bucks is cool.
Actually all of you owe me money.
The metal shaving insertion method is a patented technology developed by me, which allows the resin to heat more quickly and uniformly because of the internal heating of the small pieces of metal. pat.# 684453186148651-151661t
I take checks. 10 bucks is cool.

When you say that, I think that is actually you in your avatar. He looks like he would say that, just insert a nerdy voice.

Especially if he would rant off the patent number from memory *in my best nerd voice* "patent number six eight four four five three one eight six one four eight six five one dash one five one six six one tee"
HAIL SITHIS! and elfoodstampo I see multiple flaws with what you said: 1. We both know I was the one who really came up with the idea, and you just went behind my back and patented it 2. we both know you only accept sexual favors for payment, I have seen you sell weed to pot addicts for blowjobs!