mg def soil ? help lol cant lime ph is perfect


Well-Known Member
i have a 500litre bed coots mix/notill revisited, run their recipie to a T 1/4 amendments etc the lot,
all has been fine for 5 grows, amazing even, i use TNC fungis and bacterias also, and do clover and diakon for cover,,i also use dalefoot compost mulch which is just sheeps wool and bracken(compfrey ) what coot reccomends the sheeps wool is amazing airation and minerals, i useit for everything i grow has alot of feed for a good year, and u can take cuttings into it its not hot i use it as a top mulch, worms go right into it they love it, i also run worms in my grassroots style pot, and have all arthropods like sprintails/hypoasis mites etc NO bad bugs my krews do a good job to keep clean , exept my fungis are amazing there thick wherever is covered mulched carboarded or whatever beautiful white myc

this grows grown the fastest and best so far!! then showed me MG def.
Soil is 6.5-7ph tested slurry of distilled water n soil (i feed with remineralised RO btw not distilled) used a vitalink green liquid ph test.
i have no idea where it comes from and i wana flip flower. but not with a deficiency my leds are bridgelux @Rocket Soul helped with so i doubt the MG is lead from them as the calmg with led was shitty blurple led stress normaly, unless they require more under intensity i have no idea, but i cant do any Lime as my ph is 6.5-7 i DONT want to add anythign spray them or try fix them unless i know whats going on, been about a week i noticed this now

(also my other grow at my friends same soil same routine is also showing MG on soem newly planted cuttings, but seem to be growing still there under HLG lights, but leads me to think i have used the MG up, )my thinking for that is high MG in soil leads to clay compating of soils, my soil all the way down is like a lasangia of amazing crumbly loose soil i can only describe as worms castings and organic matter, the worms do a good job lol ! slurry test dig revealed my undug soil below i expected to be compact and garden soil like but it was amazing like fresh worm castings all the way through

[ignore the 8 N def plants down the side there waiting for a grow bed they greened up when i threw on some dalefoot sheep compost, they was yellow as sheets, proof the compost isnt bad anyhow lol]

any ideas what the color is and what to do? ive done a bacteria fungal kelp tea brew is my only goto i have done
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langbeinite. contains chlorine i am sure ive seen this be beneficial to tomatoes but not so for cannabis and can cause leaf burning and stunted growth right ?
the other elemsnts potassium and mg in a combo are nice though and chloride at only 3% doesnt seem to harmful but then 100ppm ofr chrloide can burn so not alot is needed to do so,

the fish emulchion idea though is appealing... biobizz fish is avalible here i cant get any neptunes harvest,
but this biobiz says
Helps for cal-mag deficiencies (you can spray it on your plants).
High NPK organic fertiliser – you can do a complete cycle just with Fish-Mix as a 1-part solution.
stabilised with beet sugar for microbes,
its not a hydroisolate tho is an emulchion but through a cold press

dya think id be safe on that one without overdoing it still ? i mean people use knf faarming on these soils too eh
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langbeinite. contains chlorine i am sure ive seen this be beneficial to tomatoes but not so for cannabis and can cause leaf burning and stunted growth right ?
the other elemsnts potassium and mg in a combo are nice though and chloride at only 3% doesnt seem to harmful but then 100ppm ofr chrloide can burn so not alot is needed to do so,

the fish emulchion idea though is appealing... biobizz fish is avalible here i cant get any neptunes harvest,
but this biobiz says
Helps for cal-mag deficiencies (you can spray it on your plants).
High NPK organic fertiliser – you can do a complete cycle just with Fish-Mix as a 1-part solution.
stabilised with beet sugar for microbes,
its not a hydroisolate tho is an emulchion but through a cold press

dya think id be safe on that one without overdoing it still ? i mean people use knf faarming on these soils too eh

Source of information?

"Growers frequently choose langbeinite in situations where a fertilizer free of chloride is desirable, such as with crops sensitive to it (like some vegetables and certain tree crops). "

Source of information?

"Growers frequently choose langbeinite in situations where a fertilizer free of chloride is desirable, such as with crops sensitive to it (like some vegetables and certain tree crops). "

down to earth
Down To Earth™ Langbeinite 0-0-22 is a naturally mined crystalline mineral that supplies the water-soluble sulfate form of three vital plant nutrients: potassium, magnesium and sulfurs. It’s maximum chlorine content is less than 3.0 percent, minimizing the potential for fertilizer “burn,” and it’s neutral pH does not alter soil activity.

i cant find where i was told, but was advised by someone when iw as using salt feeds, to not get the jacks 321 and get maxicrop due to the chlorine in jacks being a farmers fert is beneficial for tomatoes but can be detrimental to cannabis and megacrop didnt have it but was based on same formular without all the shit, was over icmag i think,

i am organic now not salt btw, but just the rule stuck in my head and rang up when i saw it in the langbenite
but i did see langbenite is amrketed at su po ko, and thats not been advised to be used many times in indoor application due to it being overdone easily in a container i think ?

with the ammount of Kelp/compost i use there should be adequiet levels of MG in the soil my ph shows a 7ph so if anythign id say i need to srop my ph to make mg more avalible? being 6.5-7 for mg if i am on the upper end of 7 then mg will be reduced? therefore adding a few handfuls of peat? may lower ph naturaly? my soil is topped with comprey so will have alot ofnutrietns avalible too,

also lowering ph to 6.5ish alowrs bacterias to become active and break down more compost,
so if i did a bacteria tea with a ph of 6 from my water, that should help lower ph and stabilise mineral absorbtion
i could also do a weak epsom spray to facilitate the repalcemtn of lost nutrients immediatly without effecting the soil mg levels