Mg deficiency and heat stress/burn?

hey there everyone this is my first post here and i am glad to become a member. this is my first time grow and i have been running into a few issues so any help would be greatly appreciated! so ill start off with my setup as current. My grow room is a 2x2x5 spot in my closet. i am running 3 23w 6500k cfls and 2 5000k cfls and have been keeping them 1 inch away. as for soil i am using a mix of MG seed starting soil, MG potting mix, and a good compost. 24/0 lighting. transplanted 2 gal bucket couple of days ago. im pretty sure i put my plant through heat stress because i would find my lights being a half inch away sometimes just about touching the plant. do i also have another deficiency. i dont have ph tester but i have been using cub brand spring water.plant is about 2 weeks into veg.all pics are of the same plant..



hey bud im a new member also first time post!, i had the same problem and a friend turned me on to this new light by these guys u should deffinelty check it out saved me a bunch on everything and there cool people


Active Member
^do not listen to people like this^!!!!!!! I grow with cfl and keep them 3inches away and they do fine ( mind you i have good circulation also) the plants look like its a mix of heat stress and maybe a bit of nute burn, just back the lights off and dont watter or feed them for 3days to see if they improve. Remember with MG every wattering activates the Nutes in the soil and feeds the plant so more water also = more food which can lead to overfeeding.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
hey bud im a new member also first time post!, i had the same problem and a friend turned me on to this new light by these guys u should deffinelty check it out saved me a bunch on everything and there cool people
what the fuck?


Well-Known Member
Lol ^^^ you have heat stress as stated above to help move it along in the healing process when your lights go off mist water on your plants to help with your "taco leaves" they cup to retain moisture...and lights can be 2 inches away with good air flow


Well-Known Member
It looks like a combination of overwatering and nute burn to me. Not only does the MG potting have time release ferts but if your compost is hot, you'll never escape the overfeeding. Are you going to be using any supplemental nutes or are you trying to grow with just the nutes in the soil???

It's almost impossible to get heat stress from a cfl (especially from a 23w), it's more likely a lack of ventilation.
thanks for the advice stewartwarner i backed my lights off a bit and wont water for a few days. (i had watered the day before i took pic) so i will stand by and see what happens. I got a question for ya guys. if i don't have a light proof room would doing a 18/6 schedule be bad during veg state with light leak. this is only reason i chose to do 24/0
this is the compost i used. this isnt "hot" is it? is this soil mixture any good or do you guys think im leading my self into a wall? being that its January i dont really know where a good place to get stuff is.(i prefer to not buy over the internet) let me know what you guys think.


UPDATE: lower leaves all look bad but there has been new growth in the secondary and little on top. my watering schedule is wednesday and saturday now. i feel like this is just nute burn from the mg. im looking for a organic soil locally for the new little guy. i havent been able to find ffof anywhere so i got some more shopping to do. also this is my temp spot i will be putting a grow box there that will be 2x2x4 .
any feedback is appreciated.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
one of my plants has turned ill and I'm not sure what the problem is, as the other gal is doing just fine..... they get the exact same MG nutes, water (pH 6.5), soil, light, pot size.

Could it be calcium, or maybe manganese?'s not over-watering as it was drooping due to a lack of water last week but had recovered quickly, it's had no nutes for 2 waterings, and when I did use nutes they were 1/3 strenght.

It may be a lack of air circulation, but it's not over heating as the room temp seldoms goes above 78F....or maybe too cold at nights (50-55F).

I'ver been told to try Epson salts....not sure how much to use
Hi there I have just got over the same sort of problem,I but my stems where a red colour(mag deficientcy).I used epsom salts at 1tbl spoon per litre,and follar fed once every 3 days this seemed to pick them up.Also check your pots to see if they have become root/pot bound.Hope this helped.


Little tip. I just stopped growing with CFLs, only because I upped my amount of plants. Hang the cfls not directly above the plants the light kind of comes off the bulbs in a diagonal-type band, there's not a ton of light for them straight underneath them. cocking them at about 45 degrees works well too.

And yeah , it looks like you gotta a lil bit of nute burn, but not bad. just make sure you're watering them till it comes out of the pot the next few watering sessions and it'll clear up. Looks like you probably just gave a full dose of nutes a little too early. the plant might grow out of it before something bad happens. but water a little extra and flush it some just in case. Plants look nice and stout tho man, you're on your way!


Indoor sun King, you look like you're in the beginning stages of a PH lock out. you're plant isn't uptaking nitrogen and that will subsequently cause a Cal Mag deficciency too. I would say you need to throw about a 3 finger grab of some epsom salts and work it into the top inch of soil and then water with some black strap molasses. Honestly though, if I were you, I'd just go ahead and transplant to a bigger pot with some freshly prepped soil. You're about ready for it anyway, from the looks of it.