Mg - missing in action!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I have a Mg deficiency and was advised by someone here that i could use Epsom Salts to sort it out. Im running about 10lt on my 5gal bucket with 85% strength Canna Aqua Flores, 7 weeks in flower and gonna chop in 2 weeks. I was wondering how much i should add??

Also got one in the soil which i was advised could use some more Mg aswell, can i do the same thing?

Here is the girl (auto Superbud) -


and the soil one :) (Auto Blackberry) -


Well-Known Member
Looks like the leaves on the one are toast. Nothing going to help that one and if you only have 2 weeks to harvest I would not worry about it. It's too late. the other one my benefit from a folar application 1 tablespoon epsom salt per gal.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Coco and use Cal mag mixed in feed and a Tea spoon of Epsom salts sprinkled over the top and washed through with feed.

Probably irrelevant if you are not coco though. If you have 2 weeks left wont you be flushing shortly? Is it worth adding now as you are so close to the end?


Well-Known Member
i had thought of that to be honest, ill not bother with this one this time, will keep it in mind if it happens again. The other, Blackberry, im gonna keep going for another 3 weeks i think. will see what its like when i chop the hydro one :) how much should i spray on her? dont want it gettin too moist and causing budrot??


Well-Known Member
The best way to fix the problem is to prevent it. Cal-Mag will do that for ya . Use it from start to finish.


Well-Known Member
That is pretty extensive damage to be a def unless left unchecked for a long time. Are you sure its not more pH than mg def?


Well-Known Member
well this is my first hydro grow an i didnt notice the pH issue when it hit me. cought it and have kept it steady since, but it did kinda fuck her a bit.

only using the liquid test atm, cant afford a digital one sadly, might ask santa for one for xmas XD


Well-Known Member
well this is my first hydro grow an i didnt notice the pH issue when it hit me. cought it and have kept it steady since, but it did kinda fuck her a bit.

only using the liquid test atm, cant afford a digital one sadly, might ask santa for one for xmas XD

I have owned several PH meters. Cheap ones and mid range ones. I just never had any luck keeping them working correctly. I now use the liquid and love it. Much easier to use and I know what color I want . I'd keep my cash in my wallet and get used to the liquid. Correcting PH is not any easier with a meter. You still have to fuck around till you know about how much Up or Down to use. Some people seem to think that the more cash you spend the better your plants grow and that's simply not true.


Well-Known Member
Spending cash is not then answer but the proper tools are. There is no excuse to not have the proper tools for any job. The liquid pH tester is severely inaccurate and designed for pools where there is a much broader range available. In growing where a .1-.2 difference means 1oz or 3 oz from the same plant its worth it, how much is an oz where u are?


Well-Known Member
Thanks m8. What about a ppm meter? Havent bothered with this yet? Suggestions??
Well I personally have never used one. I kind of wing it there. It might be a good idea but if you don't over feed and change the res often you should always be in the ball park. I have been growing since the 70's without all this new fancy stuff that is out there now days. I just don't see any real need for it.


Well-Known Member
Average 200 - 220 I think. What about you?

I will get the newfangled devices in the near future, but prob wont b till next year.

Took a sample off my girls tonight. Niceley toasted from a few puffs of the blackberry ;-) all milky trics ang dam tastey :-P

What you guys smokin tonight?