Well-Known Member
I'm sure this question has been asked a million times but idc the search function on this site is shitty so i'll just rely on you hip mother fuckers to help me out.
I live in a small podunk fuckshit town and we have nothing...well except for a Walmart and Lowes. I wanna do an indoor organic grow but all they have at both places is MG organic shit. I guess all the other stuff just hasn't come in yet. But here is my question: are the MG organic blood meal and bone meal any good? Also I noticed that my walmart has an organic fish emulsion. Has anyone tried any of these products and if so is it worth it or not?
They also have composted cow manure at wally world. So i guess i can make a tea outta that right?
I live in a small podunk fuckshit town and we have nothing...well except for a Walmart and Lowes. I wanna do an indoor organic grow but all they have at both places is MG organic shit. I guess all the other stuff just hasn't come in yet. But here is my question: are the MG organic blood meal and bone meal any good? Also I noticed that my walmart has an organic fish emulsion. Has anyone tried any of these products and if so is it worth it or not?
They also have composted cow manure at wally world. So i guess i can make a tea outta that right?