MH/HPS Question


Active Member
hey, have any of you guys ever buy a metal halide bulb or HPS bulb at like home depot or somethin and how much was it. Oh yeah, um and do you guys know if they sell MH/HPS lamps too cuz thats like the only common store i can think of to get all of that planting equipment at any suggestions on stores?


Well-Known Member
home depot does have hps security lights. I think they are 70 watts, but dont quote me on that.
Whatever they are, they are.


Well-Known Member
well smaller versions of HPS bulbs and MH ones you can find at those stores for sure since the used to lighten displays in stores. but those small bulbs go for almost the price of a 400W HPS, so a small 75W HPS store light goes for about $25, a 400W grow start around 30-35 bucks. so if you got the money to buy HPS in the first place, order one from a hydro store and get some value for the buck;)

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah if you buy from most of the stores like wal-mart or lowes then you will most likie pay to much. Not always but most of the time.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to buy one of those security lights you might as well stick with a lot of CFLs.

if u cant find anywhere to buy real grow kits in ur area and dont want to order online, most hardware stores carry hid lights (sercurity lights) and these can be used for growing. they produce light just like the hid bulbs u find at hydro stores but not set up for growing so ull have to set them up for growing. ull have to gut them and rewire the ballast, i dont want to explain so ill post a link on how to do.

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - converting a home security light into a remote ballast grow light (the OG FAQ)


Well-Known Member
those security lights are getting to hot to use, they heat up too much since the are only designed to run for up to an hour max. they are a real fire hazard!


Well-Known Member
yea the ballast will get hot, i mean u wouldnt want to grab it, be smart dont put it somewhere or on something combustible people.


Well-Known Member
^^it is not just the blast that gets hot, its also those lamp casings that get flaming hot after an hour. that is way capsuled reflectors in growing have to be air-cooled!;)