MH to HPS conversion?


Hey everybody, I'm getting ready to set up a new grow and I stumbled upon this video

My question is this, could a MH warehouse light run and HPS bulb? Im looking for a cheap light system for my setup and this looks awesome but 95% of the warehouse lights I've found on Craigslist in my area are MH. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
unless you have an electronic ballast no, unfortunately. I searched ebay for a while and finally found what i wanted. a dimmable 600w with both MH and HPS bulbs and a batwing reflector for $200


Well-Known Member
yeah dude. just search and search. it's tedious but i looked for over a week and got a great buy


Active Member
why not just get a conversion bulb? thats what I have.... I run a 400w conversion bulb on my MH magnetic ballast and it works fine... bulb will run you between 80 to 100 i think tho


Well-Known Member
check out Sinowell on ebay. thats what system I got. I just suggested that so he could get MH HPS batwing and dimmable ballast. It can use 50%,75%, or 100% power. Great to start seedlings under then move your way up to full power during flower without chaning bulbs