Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
what is a shot glass grow off?

troy I cannot remember what or where you were last year at harvest? what did you end up with last year?.

Well I think this year I am going to treat myself to a vacation at the least if things go well this year. Perhaps I will wait and just fly over to wherever this DJ-Short is myself and get the BB seeds right from him or his esablishment in the fall?

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Cool rzza, I will bring it, & you do the same.. What kind of rules should we implement? 1oz shot glasses and soil only, No wicks.? Anyone else who wants in or has any suggestions just holler... I'll get a thread started for it later tonight.. When I first started growing indoors a few years back, I entered a shot glass grow off. I learned more about what plants needed to grow and thrive, in those 5 months then all my years of growing combined.. ***Update on my purple seedlings*** They're just a few days short of being 2 weeks old.. All the new growth continues to come in purple and the stalks are starting to fatten up. The biggest one has 5 true nodes now. The Super Critical is also doing well. It's still growing faster then any strain I have ever seen. All the seedlings are between 6-8 nodes and the stalks are about half the diameter of a pencile..

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Hic, A Shotglass grow off is a contest.. We will all grow a plant in a shot glass for it's entire life cycle.. Who ever gets the biggest yeild off their plant wins...


Well-Known Member
mary, how do you get a hole at the bottom of a shot glass? buy a plastic one?

im ready now, im gonna go 12/12 from seed, straight in shot glass and im using joc's headbandxchocolope. its a reg seed so i hope its a girl:)


Well-Known Member
rzza -The critical mass are not crossed. I did send you some of cm+tw but ya know those were in another package. The F-2's are not stable you will get pheno's. You will get phenos that you would not get from the f-1 very frequent. I will tell you that those seeds came of the potent skunky blue haired pheno that I adored so much last year. The phenos range from a very fruity afgan to a super skunk that almost smells like an onion at times!.

You should know though that the f-2's are unstable but not that bad. You will unlock genetics with those f-2's! start a bunch and go back a little to the past and future. I will not lie to you not every pheno is a knockout - I find the phenos with the blonde long hairs to be a key to the less desireable phenos.

rzza - Look for the phenos that smell of skunk or onions...Look for the phenos that are sticky as hell and resin smells of lemon... Look for a pheno that hairs are so short and thick it looks like a porcupine " will also smell of lemon". I hope that info it helps with selection.

on a final note becarefull if you start pulling the ones that start to flower with that real dusty LONG blonde color hairs because that prized onion skunk pheno almost looks like it has those dusty blonde hairs at times - but if you sit back and look they do not look the same. they most cerainly will not smell the same into a few weeks of flower and the hairs will not be as long "on the onion skunk".


Well-Known Member
rzza - and ofcourse the star pheno from outdoor last year is in there as well... That pheno is 2nd only to the onion skunk. That is the pheno that got whole this whole thing going on anyways with CM. That pheno is may be the best "all around" pheno anyways still to this date!

after so much shit that I came across this winter - I still have decided on running that pheno this year for the bacon fund. Shanti fixed that Big Bud strain right by creating CM. Now we can find potent and outstanding phenos! Especially in the outdoors donkey dicks everywhere on last years CM stars. Been growing for a bit and CM surprised the fuc right outta me I really was just looking for a yeilder and ended finding a grandmother to some!


Well-Known Member
hic.. I got 14 oz's off of 6 plants.. but I did not dig holes or and use other soil.. I did with one of the plants and that one plant yielded 7 oz's alone. Now that i know what im doing and i have the funds to do so i know i can make more happen this year. Also, i grew silver haze last year so i had to chop wayy too early.. which hurt me the most other than me not digging holes and filling with soil.. I have spot on both the west and east side of the state. Last year was my first grow btw.


Well-Known Member
good info hic, thanks man. i had 12 cm seeds and all 12 survived but one was funny lookin so i culled it. 11 left and all look great. matter of fact one is doing a tri leaf thing. you know where they grow three.....eh hang on ill snap a pic.



Well-Known Member
i dont know how well you will see this in a small pic but what is up with these pistils? if you look deep into the white hairs you will see some purple/black growth. i havent seen this before.



Well-Known Member
rzza why are those so stretched out??
i dont know, only some are. weird thing is, its the ones closest to the light. well, scattered but a couple closest to the light are extremely long. i think its cause they are not under a hi power light. its some cheapo sun bulb. like 20 watts. temporary, for the next couple weeks in the clone closet.


Well-Known Member
rzza it is not just you. I have sprouted more cm seeds from the "jammy" one last year. All the seedlings are stretchers it is weird. Even under good amounts of light they wanna get stretchy. The cm's I just got done running I blasted with light and it kept em short. But yes some of these cm's are born monsters.

and thanks for the preview! I almost wanna crack em and put em under the sun. Would they finish you think? Again I ain't gonna lie - I wanna wrap my lips around a bud like what you have in that picture, like 15 minutes ago

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
rzza, Im ready also, I have my bean germing now.. Im using one of the fem Super Critical I ordered from GHSC.. (I wonder if it's any relation to your CM?) Last time I killed my entry about three weeks into flowering, I burnt it with bloom booster. She was just a hair over a foot tall. I have somthing special planned for mine this year. If it works out I'll tell you guys about it. I will give you one tip though. When you have a root system confined to a space the size of a shot glass. The mistakes you make will be amplified, The roots will constantly be looking for moisture and food. Anything you put in there will be absorbed all most instantly.. To answer your question about a hole in a shot glass. Plastic is one way, or you can use a diamond tipped drill bit and drill a hole in glass.. They cost about 7 bucks..

james gordon

Active Member
got this plant about a month and half ago. have no idea what strain it is, had no idea what stage it was in until i reaserched it all cos had no idea aobut anything to do it weed. now i know a little but the plant looks sick to me. any ideas of what it looks like or any information would be awesome please. thanks

