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[h=1]Michigan Hemp Company Announces Key Chemical From Marijuana Seen In CNN Broadcast "Weed" Legally Available In Michigan[/h]Grand Rapids, MI (PRWEB) August 30, 2013
The Michigan Hemp Company (MHC) announces the launch into Michigan of a safe source of the potent, healing ingredient of marijuana featured on the CNN program Weed- cannabidiol (CBD). MHC offers several product lines that provide the crucial CBD chemical in products that comply with Michigans recent Court of Appeals decision regarding the legal status of medical marijuana-derived concentrates and extracts.
The CNN program, which aired August 11 (http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/09/health/gupta-weed-reaction) featured their medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and one-time candidate for the post of Surgeon General of the United States, as he evaluated various claims of healing on behalf of cannabis. Dr. Gupta specifically singled out a young girl with an uncontrollable seizure disorder that was only kept in check through the application of a concentrated, high-CBD oil. The oil, which carries no intoxicating or high effect, was produced from marijuana.
The Michigan Appellate Court ruling in the Carruthers case (Oakland Circuit Court case #309987,http://publicdocs.courts.mi.gov:81/OPINIONS/FINAL/COA/20130711_C309987_37_309987.OPN.PDF) states most concentrates and extracts derived from marijuana are no longer legally considered useable marijuana; now any legally-registered patient using or possessing these substances can lose their immunity from prosecution. This ruling comes four years after the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMA) was enacted, creating a serious medical hardship for those legally registered patients who now find a familiar and highly effective medicinal product is suddenly no longer available.
Enter MHC, an FDA-compliant manufacturer of innovative health and wellness nutritional supplements that utilize industrial hemp. Hemp oil, and its naturally occurring constituent CBD, is used by thousands of health-conscious consumers worldwide. Science clearly shows the positive health benefits of CBD when ingested in a concentrate form derived from marijuana or hemp, said Joe Brown of the Michigan Hemp Company, who educates people while distributing non-psychoactive hemp oil supplements to clinicians and caregivers throughout Michigan and Kentucky. Those products include soda pop, lotions and creams, topical treatments and even dog treats.
Michigan Hemp Companys CBD-heavy products are not derived from marijuana and therefore are not restricted by the Court of Appeals decision in Carruthers, or by the Controlled Substances Act. Brown cites Kentuckys legalization of industrial hemp- but not marijuana- as a proof of the difference between the two plants. A US Court of Appeals decision from 2004 also exempts hemp from marijuanas illegality. Hemp products can be used by anyone, anytime.
Hemps naturally occurring CBD is taken from the seed and stem of a specific cultivar of the plant. Consumer benefits include: promoting overall wellness, relieving everyday stress and anxiety, and supporting muscle relief. These products provide overwhelming evidence of significant health and wellness benefits, Brown said.
With aspirations to educate hundreds of clinicians throughout Michigan and Kentucky, Michigan Hemp Company is advocating natural products with historically rich roots. "After all, it's what the ancients trusted," said Brown. Founded in August of 2013, Michigan Hemp Company offers a varied assortment of natural holistic remedies available for purchase online or in retail stores. Visit their website for store locations and wholesaler information.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Joe Brown
Michigan Hemp Company/Canna Products USA
joebrown(at)bluegrassnatural(dot)com 616-828-1313 ext. 1
Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/8/prweb11072955.htm