Micracle Grow Tomato Plant food


New Member
I got this Miracle Grow tomato plant food cause I was looking for some 20-20-20. This stuff is 18-18-21 which is fine.

Question is.

It tells me to take a level scoop of this water soluble shit to a gallon of water. I know thats wrong. What amount of this stuff should I put in a Gallon of water? First time nuting my plants.


New Member
Thank you.

If I feed every other watering, should I be increasing the amt every feeding? Or like twice 1/4 dose, then twice 1/2 dose, then twice 3/4 dose, etc etc


Active Member
NO NO NO. Do not use that shit. dude i used that my first time growing and it fucked my shit up...honestly i used the SAME exact stuff. nuff said


New Member
Welp I got 32 to test on, and only 12 of them will ever be able to flower. Im only going to feed two plants for now and see how they do.

NO NO NO. Do not use that shit. dude i used that my first time growing and it fucked my shit up...honestly i used the SAME exact stuff. nuff said


New Member
BTW how did it fuck your shit up? Kill the plants? Burn the shit out of them?

NO NO NO. Do not use that shit. dude i used that my first time growing and it fucked my shit up...honestly i used the SAME exact stuff. nuff said


Active Member
yea go to lowes...pick up Garden Club Organic All Purpose...its 10-2-8...perfect for vegging...its worked really well for my plants...i had 8 inch pots to start with...mixed about 3-4 teaspoons of it into the top of my soil...then gave it a good watering. check that out. Fed about once every 3 1/2 weeks


Active Member
oh my plants made a full recovery...just burned the shit outta them...i had to flush them out for like ten minutes bro

Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
I got this Miracle Grow tomato plant food cause I was looking for some 20-20-20. This stuff is 18-18-21 which is fine.

Question is.

It tells me to take a level scoop of this water soluble shit to a gallon of water. I know thats wrong. What amount of this stuff should I put in a Gallon of water? First time nuting my plants.
Why were you looking for 20-20-20? That could just be 1-1-1...

It's all about ratios, not numbers, my friend...

Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
Wha? 20-20-20 is suggested by my seedbank. What other variables on nutes should I be paying attn to? Didn't know this.
Again, it's all about ratio. 1-1-1 is essentially the same as 20-20-20, you would just need to make a stronger mix of it.

Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
Yeah I think anyone would rather do that...but keep it in mind for any times in the future when you can't find the one you want!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Throw that shit away. Lowe's is good advice. Personally, I stay away from box stores. Consider this. At your local grocery store, pick up some molasses, whole/stone ground cornmeal & Epsom salt. Then go to the local Nursery & pick up some greensand, liquid seaweed, & organic compost. "Black Cow" & Ladybug" products is what I use, & mushroom compost. A tea can be made with these. Follow directions. Try to flush that shit out of your root system, it just killed all the micro organisms in your soil, needed for a plant to fight against disease. A heavy spray of liquid seaweed to the entire plant once per week will keep away/kill spider mites & feed your plant also. Most of the stuff mentioned is cheap, & your plants will love it. For additional info, check out Dirtdoctor.com.


Well-Known Member
From what ive read MG only gets bad reviews from people that dont use it in the right doses. 1/4 is what you need according to most people. Ive been reading up on it because i want something i can buy anywhere. I think im going to buy the mg Bloom(15-30-15), Schultz bloom(10-54-10) and compare to my Pure Blend Pro


Well-Known Member
yea go to lowes...pick up Garden Club Organic All Purpose...its 10-2-8...perfect for vegging...its worked really well for my plants...i had 8 inch pots to start with...mixed about 3-4 teaspoons of it into the top of my soil...then gave it a good watering. check that out. Fed about once every 3 1/2 weeks
too muhc nitrogen for flowerin stage, look for ANY organic fertz with N-P-K

N low high P n K so 5-10-10, 2-4-5, 5-20-20

Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
too muhc nitrogen for flowerin stage, look for ANY organic fertz with N-P-K

N low high P n K so 5-10-10, 2-4-5, 5-20-20
Yeah, you want high P and K. I just hit the 2 weeks mark of flowering and I'm currently feeding:

1ml Bio-Grow (8-2-6) and 2ml Bio-Bloom (2-6-3.5) and it's working fantastically. Can't recommend this stuff enough, and it's also dirt cheap and organic!


Well-Known Member
yay ather bibizz user!! i use the bio grow bio bloomk biobizz top max, grab some top max the bufs will multiply