micro dwc super stealth cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im new to forums and growing.
Decided id go with a dwc as my first offical grow.
i currently have 4 sprouts growing in a soil system right now
but thats not what this thread is about so on to the good stuff

First i must warn you im not vary good with grammer
or spelling but im going to try my best

Recenly made a trip to the hardware store and picked up my

my cabint dimentions are 8.25" deep 15" wide and 18" tall
im using a cfl set up of 90w for two small plants with more room for more lights if needed my res is a 6.5 quart tote that i will be spraying black to keep out light then white to reflect it i found at home depot for 99 cents i tried to keep price as minimal as posable since im on somewhat of a tight budget
my growing media since there are no hydroponic stores in my area and homedepot and walmart look at me like im a stupid ass for askin for rockwool or claypelets are a very small rounded lava rock that i have done my best to get any sharp edges off with a hammer

and one question i do have is has anyone used a small peice of spoung to root small plants before they put them in there hydro system if so please give me as much information as you can on this set up i read it was posable but have no experence and dont really wanna fuck my shit up in the vary beginning

anyway thats all ive got for you guys now i know its not much detail but tell me what you think once i have pics of set up they will be uploaded but for now if anyone had done a dwc cfl setup please im open to new info since as i said im a new grower