Micro nutrient deficiency?

I have 2 auto flowers my big one has been getting holes and spots missing on some middle and lower new and old growth I can’t find any bugs in or around soil or on plants I had fungus gnat problems but i use neem oil and a fan and they went away I put my plant thats been attacked in a different room and sadly haven’t been taking much care of it since it kinda scares me what should I do


Well-Known Member
I have 2 auto flowers my big one has been getting holes and spots missing on some middle and lower new and old growth I can’t find any bugs in or around soil or on plants I had fungus gnat problems but i use neem oil and a fan and they went away I put my plant thats been attacked in a different room and sadly haven’t been taking much care of it since it kinda scares me what should I do
Burn everything


Well-Known Member
Its probably nothing major, I wouldn't sweat it. Could be a some sort of beetle, or hopper, possibly even a piller. But afew holes here n there, I wouldn't sweat. Try n find it n eliminate it if u can, but bugs exist. Try our hardest to keep em out but your fighting nature. Can't always beat her. Good luck.
Here’s the photos also, I’ve been using neem oil and the foxfarm big bloom i dont think its bugs i thinks its genetics or some sort of deficiency and the last photo the big cut it from me accidentally bumping it

