Micro, very sthealthy, grow room...help me out!

And, as an update with the the third attempt, the seed in the wet paper towel that was crack opened until yesterday, today morning it's closed.
I cant even find anything on the web of anybody that witnessed the same...
I sincerely don't know what to do or to say...

Looks like there is to much water for the seedling and it´s protecting her self by closing the seed.
Try the paper coffeefilter method since then the waterlevel is not to high and not to low ,
best method i know and had never problems again with germinating of seeds.
If a seed don´t germinate in the papaer coffeefilter method the seeds are real bad .
Just water a paper coffeefilter , let it drip out a little , put the seeds in the middle and close the coffeefilter over it and place it in a big gripbag and hang it vertically.
Check it out after 24 hours and grow it.
Thankyou Nederwierie.
The problem with coffee filter is that they are not easy to find. Maybe the 5% of folks here drink "american coffee" so again, difficult to find.
About watering I will quote my self from another thread:
"The thing that I can't understand is why in guides, even video guides, even from seeds online stores, you see that those who use the coconut pellets, starter cube, rockwall etc. , they soak that stuff like really drawn in water.
The thing is, or this is what I've understood, the seed need a reallygood amount of water to start with. That is why those guys soak their chosen starter soil that hard. Then they leave it as it is for days until there is a seedling, keeping everything in a colse envyroment such as a plastic box to keep the humidity level high, and placing everything in a worm place. This way the "micro system" gives an initial water boost to the seed and then, as the seed needs less water, that water is already decreasing accordingly.
The same is for who sunk seeds directly in water for 12,16 ,24 hours, even days.
Or the wet paper towel method. That towel has to be well wet, not dripping ok, but still damn wet..."

Take a look to those guides you can see without any doubt that their coconut, rockwall, starter cup are soaking wet and they just put the seeds in there, close the plastic box and forget it for hours. All the guides with this approach went from seed to seedling between 3 and 5 days only one in one case between 8 different strains, one took like 6 or 7 days but still become a seedling. And in some of these videos they still add water after a couple of days.
This is why i decided to buy coconut pellet and use bottled water. The pellet already have its right PH and nutrients to stimulate the seed from sprout to seedling.
I moved the seed that opened and than closed to give it 24 to 48 hours and see if something happen. If not I will use the 4th seed an still planting it in the coconut pellet as I saw in all these guides. Planting directly in soil it sounds to me like the natural way to porceed. Move the seed from water to towel to soil doesn't really looks as the best idea. It works that's for sure, but doesn't work for me.
The guides I've read give to the coconut/rockwall method a slightly higer succes rate compared to the water cup or wet paper towel.

In the end I think I have to chose a method and keep using it until I've mastered it and I choose the coconut even only becouse it's easy to find, with the right PH and already have specific nutrients. Seeing people going from seed to seedeling usually in 3-4 days with this stuff is exactly what I was looking for with the other methos. I thought they were faster but they are actually not. Not for what I've seen.
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I can´t imagine that i could´nt buy paper coffeefilters because that´s how i drink my coffee.
They cost around 45 Eurocents for 50 pieces around here in every supermarket.
That really sucks if you ask me.
Germinating seeds can be hard sometimes especially the hard ones .
Some seeds can popup in 24 hours or less and some can even take 1 week in perfect conditions.
I hope the coco will give the final solution for you since it sucks if you allready had to give up 3 seeds .
This seeds you have are hard ones i can read . I have no experience with coco but it seems a good way as long as the coco is not to dry or to wet,
kind of the same way the coffeefilter method runs.
But 1 thing i know is that coco can have salts in it , don´t know what brand of coco you´re gonna use for it but do some research on it if there are salts in it since seedlings don´t like salts.
To prevent that you can always rinse the cocos for a couple of minutes under the shower and after that let it drip out for 24 hours .
On that way most of the salt in the coco will flush away and the 24 hours dripping will give a nice not to wet or to dry medium.

Good luck and if this 4th seed don´t germinate there is something seriuosly wrong with that seeds even if it are hard ones since hard seeds are going to germinate even if that take 2 weeks time but they will.
Seeds that don´t germinate in 2 weeks are real bad and even when they germinate after that 2 weeks i would never trust them to do a full run on it since the chance appears they will grow the same tempo as they where germinated , that´s a real waste of time.
Maximum of 7 days to germinate if it are hard one special ones but the 24 hours germinating seeds is something to prever since they show they are willing to grow, most quality seeds have that pro in them.
If that happens try to buy from a well known reputable seed seller with good reviews and don´t think you can´t grow ,
i think in this case you have bad seeds.
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If that happens try to buy from a well known reputable seed seller with good reviews and don´t think you can´t grow ,
i think in this case you have bad seeds.
That's the problem. I do have bought those seed from a well known reputable seed seller. And that is why they already gave me a voucher that cover completely my purchase, even a little bit more.
The seeds are royalqueenseeds that I bought in the early of march.

But still it's 22 days since I'm trying to have one seedling. Unfortunately I have to go one seed at a time because I only have space for one and because of it, if I plant 2 seeds and got two seedling, I don't want to through one of them away.

The coco pellets are from "Vilmorin" 100% biodegradable, which is cool because it means that the "sock" around the coco will dissolve.
This are the specifications:
Compressed coco fiber pellets and fertilizer NPK 12, 12, 17.
Dry matter= 83% minimum of gross product mass
Organic matter (om) 97% of DM Conductivity 50 mS/M
Water retention capability 830 ml
ph 6,59
Chlorine(Cl) 39,3 in mg/liter of substrate
Fertilizer content CE: 1,230 Kg/cm of fertilizer NPK 12, 12, 17 N=0,360Kg, P=0,360 Kg, K=0,510 Kg
Coco fiber original of Vietnam
Royal queen seeds is indeed a very reputable quality seeds seller. Great that they gave you a voucher back , another great service of that seed business.
Let´s hope these coco pellets will work for the seed . It´s a bit apart that you´ve all that problems with germinating the seeds in even different ways tried , could be a very hard case of bad luck.
I´ve no experience with growing seeds on cocos or Vilmorin but i looked them up @ google and they seems Ok .
The NPK looks a little high for a seedling but as they claim it´s for seedlings let´s take their words for it.

Don´t throw away the second seed if that happens. Just place them somewhere in nature on the South for maximum cover of sun hours near some river or water ( for groundwater ) where no one is coming and check it out around September.

That's the problem. I do have bought those seed from a well known reputable seed seller. And that is why they already gave me a voucher that cover completely my purchase, even a little bit more.
The seeds are royalqueenseeds that I bought in the early of march.
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Yes! We are now almost 4 days in (with the seed straight in the coco pellets without doing anything else) and I already have a seedling, but it is not yet fully opened! Tomorrow morning It will be ready for its final home in the fabric pot.

4 days it's a fantastic result...i will always use coco soil pellet!

Finally! :hump:
Not yet 5 days since planting the seed. From the seeds blister directly into coco soil. This is the beginning of the second day of seedling in the final pot under light.