

Active Member
yeah i def have a mag deficiency or something its spreading, starts out glossy then turns a palle color and eventualy brown/yellow if anyone knows how i can solve this problem thatd be greatly appreciated
spots showing up in no spacific spot, started on bottom however, but on the leaves the spots just show up werever, some tips, some edges, some just on the leaf

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Are you in soil? If you're in Hydro, whats your pH? If you're certain it's an Mg def, get either some Cal/Mag (any brand you choose) or use some Epsom Salts at 1 tbsp per gal in your watering water. Pics are generally helpful when asking this sort of thing .


Active Member
yea im using some organic potting mix for it that i used for my last plants an they came out great. but i checked the ph about 20 minutes ago its rite on point around 6.5-7, nowhere over 7.2 i kno that.

the ph reader i have isnt a direct number u godda judge it from a scale of colors, pale green is 6.5, green is 7, and blue is 7.5 my color was a green pale green so ph is straight, i mite run n get some epsom salt rite now and some more water just to see if it helps it. i just posted another forum with a shit load of pictures on the plant problem forum so if u wanted to u could check those pics out theres atleaste 15 close up pics from all over the plant

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Thats fine. pH isn't as critical in soil as it is in Hydro. Get some Cal/Mag (I used to use Botanicare), or Epsom Salts at 1 TBSP per gal of dechlorinated tap water. DONT use RO, or distilled water. You want the mineral content.
Why are you double posting? Someone will eventually answer you in the other forum. I'll go look now.