I bought a new microscope that connects to your phone but this thing you have to sit COMPLETELY still to use which I cannot do I'm shaky. Any tips on a diy stand or something cheap?
I got one with a crappy little plastic stand that is fine for sitting on a flat surface to examine snipped off samples but sux for getting close to your plants.
Mine has a wifi box that lets me use it in the grow room with my phone so I ground the base a little to be able to lock it into a camera tripod I got at a thrift store and that works great.
Should be able to just use a long nut with the same thread and screw the arm of the scope onto it then to the screw on the tripod instead of grinding some of the base but it still works as a stand too so doesn't really matter. Same with any magnification tho. The higher you go the steadier it has to be held to keep in focus. Long lenses on cameras have the same issue.