Middleweight grower.....new to site!

Hello all! im new to this site but am not new to growing. I have been a member to this site in the past and used it for questions and or suggestions but have had to change my username due to new email adresses and years gone by. I just wanted to share my 2 ladies i have going at the moment.

I started with 12 plants and ended up with only these 2 lucky ladies left. I started outdoors and everything was fine until it started raining in my region and didnt stop for a month straight. So i ended up losing all of my plants except 2. Thanks to my lucky stars i was blessed with 2 females instead of transplanting indoors and waiting for them to just be males and toss em. They have been inside for about 2 months now and are into their 3rd week of flower. They are a little smaller than i want them to be due to rain and transplant stress. Although they are small (about 20in each) they are doing very well. the buds are starting to tighten up and trichomes are starting to show up and no sign of herming out....yet.

they are under 3 42 watt CFL's and 3 23 watt CFL's. They are in an organic MG soil mix ( with perlite and small pebbles added) and are getting fed a 1/4 teaspoon 15-30-15 feed along with a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses to every gallon.

Please forgive the makeshift grow area i have set up....they are well ventilated though. Im am an outdoor grower, although i have some experience with indoor grows, I was not ready for this grow to be indoors.

all comments and suggestion are appreciated!

-one life......one love-

