Midnitetoak's Mushroom Adventures


Active Member
I have had some moderate success at growing bud so I've decided to delve into the world of mycology to see if I can cultivate some shrooms for the coming festy season. I hate dealing with greedy ass hippies with their crappy dried fungi sitting in a backpack for who knows how long? Dude doesn't care he just wants to make enough money to get to the next show...well fuck em-I'm hoping to have my own supply soon.
I have knocked up 12 BRF jars and 3 rye spawn bags. They are now starting to colonize so it will be a few more weeks before they are ready to be birthed. I plan to try spawning the rye grains to bulk in a mono tub. I've read enough about the PF tek to the point I feel like ive done it already but the bulk grow has got me a bit nervous.. Has anyone done a bulk spawn & if so are there any pointers you could share? Any help would be greatly appreciated
read the sticky. Too bad about your of tek start but oh well. you might consider casing from grain as an interim before you spawn to something else. Don't forget these are not plants
Thank canndo I plan to try the regular pf tek with the cakes but I also nocced up some rye berry spawn bags that are now colonizing nicely that plan to spawn to h/poo in a few weeks...are you saying I should forgo the dunk & roll & spawn the cakes to bulk- ie case in a tray instead of fruiting them as cakes? I am beginning to understand how different this is from growing herb
Thank canndo I plan to try the regular pf tek with the cakes but I also nocced up some rye berry spawn bags that are now colonizing nicely that plan to spawn to h/poo in a few weeks...are you saying I should forgo the dunk & roll & spawn the cakes to bulk- ie case in a tray instead of fruiting them as cakes? I am beginning to understand how different this is from growing herb

a few weeks? Too long, spawn loses vigor in about that time. You should be shaking that grain.

Not going to give advice on anything pf.

spawning to manure might be going too fast but it depends on your level if confidence.
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my first attempt with BRF jars i broke the colonized cakes into small popcorn sized pieces, and added it to a tray of about 50/50 verm/coco coir
i then let it recolonize the rest of the substrate
worked very well

i think canndo is just saying using the poo isn't for first time growers
and you should start with a different substrate for bulk
Maybe and I'm am a noob at this but I believe I have a decent handle on how to colonize the h/poo in a mono tub. The spawn bags are colonizing quickly and maybe I bit off more than I can chew here but think I can pull off spawning to manure- it's a mono tub kit from outgrow. Yes I know it was implusive to order it but now that it's my plan for a bulk tub I'm going forward with it- not like I can save the pasteurized h/poo for a later time.
I read and enjoyed your popcorn tek candoo. I've just nocced up some rye berry grain jars last night & planned to try spawning them to small trays in a 70/30 coir/verm casing like your tek perscribes. Maybe next time I'll try PC-ing some popcorn jars.
Not sure I understand when you say the spawn bags are taking too long to colonize- they were nocced only about 13 days ago & are colonizing nicely- I've been shaking them around & kneading the bags to spread the myc. It seems to me 3-4 weeks is not an unacceptable time frame for a 1 lb bag of rye berry grain to colonize...when should I be spawning these to manure? At 100% colonization right? Also should I dunk the grains to rehydrate before spawning?
Maybe and I'm am a noob at this but I believe I have a decent handle on how to colonize the h/poo in a mono tub. The spawn bags are colonizing quickly and maybe I bit off more than I can chew here but think I can pull off spawning to manure- it's a mono tub kit from outgrow. Yes I know it was implusive to order it but now that it's my plan for a bulk tub I'm going forward with it- not like I can save the pasteurized h/poo for a later time.
I read and enjoyed your popcorn tek candoo. I've just nocced up some rye berry grain jars last night & planned to try spawning them to small trays in a 70/30 coir/verm casing like your tek perscribes. Maybe next time I'll try PC-ing some popcorn jars.
Not sure I understand when you say the spawn bags are taking too long to colonize- they were nocced only about 13 days ago & are colonizing nicely- I've been shaking them around & kneading the bags to spread the myc. It seems to me 3-4 weeks is not an unacceptable time frame for a 1 lb bag of rye berry grain to colonize...when should I be spawning these to manure? At 100% colonization right? Also should I dunk the grains to rehydrate before spawning?

no rehydration necessary, 100 percent. still seems too long for that amount of grain.
I have had some moderate success at growing bud so I've decided to delve into the world of mycology to see if I can cultivate some shrooms for the coming festy season. I hate dealing with greedy ass hippies with their crappy dried fungi sitting in a backpack for who knows how long? Dude doesn't care he just wants to make enough money to get to the next show...well fuck em-I'm hoping to have my own supply soon.
I have knocked up 12 BRF jars and 3 rye spawn bags. They are now starting to colonize so it will be a few more weeks before they are ready to be birthed. I plan to try spawning the rye grains to bulk in a mono tub. I've read enough about the PF tek to the point I feel like ive done it already but the bulk grow has got me a bit nervous.. Has anyone done a bulk spawn & if so are there any pointers you could share? Any help would be greatly appreciated
bulk isn't much more difficult, go to shroomery, cruise the message boards and grow logs to get ideas, look at monos. some use 1:4 spawn: substrate. some use 1:1 for fast colonization. different folks do it different, as the expression goes "theres more than one way to skin a fish" I hate following teks right to the book, everything Ive learned has been from mistakes made, and then have a better understanding of whats going on afterward. If I follow a tek all the way, I am completely reliant and trusting of the information and trust Ill have good results, bc the person I learned the tek from did. Then my knowledge is confound to this one tek. The only way Ive ever learned to do something the right way, is by doing it the wrong way first. knowledge of theses mushrooms to me is more important than have a great yield the first go around. After all whats yield if u dnt know how u achieved it..ppls answer "I achieved it by following the tek.:wall: Ive had tubs that yield shitty, some that yield decent(far from good as I read of ppl getting 6-8 oz from there monos first flush) some contamed, but every time, knowledge was gained, and I never had a tub not produce fruits so that a plus, as long as I keep learning, fine tuning, and broadening the spectrum
I am not saying not to try, just that it is always nice to start small enough and with enough replication that you are assured some yield for your first time or two. I find that the best bulk methods are involving straw. Straw is very selective, has good water holding potential, isn't something that came out of the back end of a horse and it works well on a variety of different mushrooms.

But you have to have a knack for straw. Were I you, I would simply colonize a bunch of grain, pour the grain out in a tray, case the tray and watch. After that, you should be able to do anythig you wish, including your own tek.
MM420, I like to make my own mistakes as well but there are some areas where one can make far more mistakes, never arriving at a decent conclusion, than one can do a thing correctly or successfuly.

It is often good to follow the cook book the first time when making a cake and going freeform once you have the basics down.
bulk isn't much more difficult, go to shroomery, cruise the message boards and grow logs to get ideas, look at monos. some use 1:4 spawn: substrate. some use 1:1 for fast colonization. different folks do it different, as the expression goes "theres more than one way to skin a fish" I hate following teks right to the book, everything Ive learned has been from mistakes made, and then have a better understanding of whats going on afterward. If I follow a tek all the way, I am completely reliant and trusting of the information and trust Ill have good results, bc the person I learned the tek from did. Then my knowledge is confound to this one tek. The only way Ive ever learned to do something the right way, is by doing it the wrong way first. knowledge of theses mushrooms to me is more important than have a great yield the first go around. After all whats yield if u dnt know how u achieved it..ppls answer "I achieved it by following the tek.:wall: Ive had tubs that yield shitty, some that yield decent(far from good as I read of ppl getting 6-8 oz from there monos first flush) some contamed, but every time, knowledge was gained, and I never had a tub not produce fruits so that a plus, as long as I keep learning, fine tuning, and broadening the spectrum
Really great advice.. So far I've learned everything the same way. By doing- you can read tek after tek but until you try and f up you can't really understand what you did wrong and what you did right. The shroomery has been a treasure chest of great info & before I sat & read for awhile I couldn't really grasp any of this. I came to this forum some months ago & tried to read about mycology but I had no frame of reference to draw from- had no idea wtf yall were even talking about so I've come a long way.
I have 3lb of rye berry spawn to colonize 10 lb of manure/straw sub mix so Im guessing that is a bit more than a 1:3 ratio. I'm not really concerned about an awesome yield if I get some shrooms outta this I'll be happy- they are for fun so I'm trying not to take it too seriously. Besides I've got 11 brf jars & 6 more rye berry grain jars colonizing so I'll get some fungus to munch on eventually. If I f up my mj grow I'll be heartbroken & the ol lady will be pissed so the shroomies are like my own little science project. I'm actually more excited about the process than I am about eating the cubes.
I am not saying not to try, just that it is always nice to start small enough and with enough replication that you are assured some yield for your first time or two. I find that the best bulk methods are involving straw. Straw is very selective, has good water holding potential, isn't something that came out of the back end of a horse and it works well on a variety of different mushrooms.

But you have to have a knack for straw. Were I you, I would simply colonize a bunch of grain, pour the grain out in a tray, case the tray and watch. After that, you should be able to do anythig you wish, including your own tek.
MM420, I like to make my own mistakes as well but there are some areas where one can make far more mistakes, never arriving at a decent conclusion, than one can do a thing correctly or successfuly.

It is often good to follow the cook book the first time when making a cake and going freeform once you have the basics down.
Wise words thank you. I know I jumped into this a bit too fast- guess I just got bored waiting for my weed to be ready & need another project to occupy my mind; plus I wanted some shrooms on hand for festy season fast approaching. Since I started growing I've pretty much stopped watching tv & being a general slug. I love to stay busy & learn new things so this is right up my alley- but you are right I need to start smaller. I've skipped the carousel and got right in line for the loop coaster- it's gonna be a wild ride though- thanks for the help
Ok so my brf jars are at 100% and will be birthed in 6 days ...the spawn bags are getting there too but not quite 100% yet...how long you think can spawn these to manure? Will they be as solid white as the myc in the jars?


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