Might be the Ph, help me make sure

Leaves started yellowing and some streaky stuff started happening to some of the new growth. I have pictures attached cause I cant describe it real well. I switched the plant into a bigger pot and added some new soil to it, i feel like that might be it? I only feed it water and its in veg so I'm going with the soil.


Forgot to add that I did in fact check the soils ph but did it with like a cheap dropper one from home depot. The numbers only read wholes ie. 6,7,8 and mine seemed to be in the 7s but you cant really tell with those.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Are you foliar feeding with lights on? 7pH is too high.. 6.2-6.8 is Ideal.
This plant was given to me i think they where using earthGro. I've heard bad things and im thinking this might be the problem. What can i do to bring down the ph?


Active Member
I think this is a good ? for uncle ben. but if you have not added any nutes i would think it a good time to.
Im pretty sure that garden lime raises the ph levels instead of lowering them. Im using lime juice right now as a quick fix till i can get some ph down and an actual soil tester.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure that garden lime raises the ph levels instead of lowering them. Im using lime juice right now as a quick fix till i can get some ph down and an actual soil tester.
Generally speaking water PH in soil isn't much of a discussion. Odds are if you can drink the water the PH is fine for soil growing.

Pot size isn't going to change much either. I'm gonna look at these photos again.

You've got something going on. Don't know what it is but I wouldn't stress about your water Ph. Just buy some Miracle Grow organic and put about 20% perlite in there. That's all me and my friends use. No need for fancy stuff. It's just dirt after a few weeks anyway when all the nutes get washed out.

I wouldn't add too much to fix this. It will just add more variables. Soil really only needs nutes and thats it.