Might have a pest problem


New Member
I was hoping this time would never come but i need to ask everyone what there opinions are on what i'm seeing. just noticed this today and its on 2 of my plants and I don't want it to spread any farther. They're only about 4 weeks old so it hit them at a young age. The first picture is of my first plant and it has a good chunk missing out of a couple leaves. The second and third pictures are of my other plant that is showing signs of something else with the light coloring on the fan leaves. This plant also has a couple of holes in the fan leaves. I'm lost on to what insects I have, if you can help me out on what my next steps should be it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
I don't know about the holes...but it looks like you might be overwatering and I see a hint of Mg deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Not sure on the holes either. I agree with JD, let them dry out and maybe do a foliar with some epsom salt. Don't judge whether they have/have not improved for 3-6 days.


Well-Known Member
looks genetic to me. But it also could be a caterpillar? Never had a pest problem so can't say forsure.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
looks like a deficiency to me, also. i agree it does look like too much aqua. the hole was probably a worm. if you see no further damage then let it be. GL