Mighty Midget


Active Member
Hi All,

Here are the photos of my 2nd grow.

Plant 1 is small - about 18 inches high, in flower with a main bud about 12 inches and 4 other buds of about 8 inches. This plant went to flower after I put in my shed and forgot about it for a couple of days

Plant 2 is about 24 inches - sex yet to be detirmined

Both plants have been fed tap water that has run through my worm farm and into the collection vessel at the bottom...no chemicals as yet although this may change shortly as both plants are showing yellow leaves at the base...may be an NPK deficiency.



Well-Known Member
if they already started flowering i wouldn't give them any more Nitrogen,just feed them mainly potassium giving them to much N may make you plant grow big but once it's in the flowering stage it can ruin the quality of your doja.


Active Member
Thanks for that info purpz,

I have some Potash (Sulfate of Potassium) in powder form that I bought to put down for fruit trees...is that the kind of product you were talking about?



Well-Known Member
u don't need much potassium but u should get something high in phosphate like bat guano it's like 0-19-0 and mix a little or there's some bloom liquids out there. giving very little amounts of N and Potassium are alright in early flowering stages. also some honey or molasses 1tbs per gallon when u water will help too.


Well-Known Member
Increase the Phosphate and decrease the nitrogen. What soil you got them in?

If you've just been giving them tap water then the soil has sustained them with enough nutrients till now. Find some Bat guano like purpz said and top dress your pots then water and that might be adequate. Or just by some organic bloom nutes and go at it starting with 1/4 strength nutes and working up to full strength.

How far along are they? Look like 2-4 weeks to me.


Active Member
Thanks for all the good advice here guys,

The small plant is about 3 weeks into flower and I have just cut the light down for the larger plant in an attempt to make it flower.



ps....does anyone out there start seeds\clones outdoors and then transfer them indoors at a later date? The reason I ask is that if we could get plants up to say 12 inches using the sun, we don't need to pay for the electricity to get the plants to that stage. They could then be transferred inside to a MH light for a few weeks to complete the vegetative cycle before being flowered underneath a HPS.


Active Member
Hi craca102,

The plants are being grown in potting soil...pretty free draining sort of stuff, but not as good as coconut fibre.

With the 1/4 strength nutes....do you put them in the water each time you feed the plants?



Well-Known Member
In regards to the nutes, I would give them to the girls every-other watering and increase the strength every time till the suggested amount is reached. As them become accustomed to the nutrients you may be able to give them nutrients every time you water.

Looking good. But are those specs I see on the leaves? Can't get a good look from the pics got any single leaf pics?


Active Member
Hi craca102,

Here are a few close up shots of the leaves of the plant that is still in the veg stage

I get the feeling that it is a female as I have seen a few white hairs coming out. What I thought might have been balls developing was new leaf growth.



ps...I gave both plants a shot of Miracle Grow yesterday...there are new shoots everywhere this morning.



Well-Known Member
Yup ya might have spider mites by the looks of it. You using any bug spray? If not I would go find some good neem oil organic Insect Spray and give it a spray before she really starts to bud.

It will save a lot of hassle in the end.


Active Member
Hi craca102,

It seems as though spider mites are the least of my worries...today I was moving another plant and must have leant to close to the larger plant in veg stage and bent the top 6 inches of the plant over, breaking stalk.....bugger :-(

I have chopped it off and am attempting to clone it in some rockwool cube...one can only hope!

The top leaves of both plants are curled up a bit so I have laid off the nutes and flushed both big plants yesterday.



Active Member
The plant in the vegetative state (that I accidentily broke the top off) is coming along strongly...photos below.

The plant that was flowering has gone back to vegetating, so I have put it in my shed to cut down the amount of light and hopefully get it back to flowering shortly.




Well-Known Member
yea just be careful about bugs if you do use a plastic bag, i did that and i found a nest of critters one day after removing it.
you are obviously south of the equator?


Active Member
Thanks for the advice regarding the critters cannabiscult.

This is a mistake that I will not make again....I planted too early in the winter....the days were probably only 10 hours long at the time.

I will be consulting weather charts soon to identify when my location starts to receive more than 12 hours of sunshine per day to ensure that my grow stays in veg for the appropriate amount of time.

On that subject, at it's current growth rate my larger plant in the veg stage may begin to reach a height that leaves me struggling to conceal it in the not to distant future. With my work commitments, I am unable to see the plant every day to bring in and out of the shed or put a bag on and take off at particular times of the day....and summer has not yet begun here...it could be 3 months before it wants to flower!

Any advice on this one would be appreciated.



Active Member
I just had a look at some meteorlogical data...my location with have it's first day of less than 12 hours sunshine on March 25 next year.

I could have a monster on my hands here.

She is only 3 months old and bushier than Aunt Maria already!
