Mike Vic wants to own a dog


Well-Known Member
Michael Vic says he wants to own a dog as he has always had dogs his whole life.

What do you think?

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
As long as he keeps playing the way he is, I could give a shit if he opened a pit bull etiquette training academy.


New Member
I think that it's very odd that people cast judgement on the guy are the same ones who get love watching men beat the shit out of each other. I'm told we're are relieved from any wrong doing because of free choice but that argument has never really done it for me. So the idea that he somehow shouldn't own a dog because of one of those things that you just can't get your head around, like a neck tie, like where the fuck is your neck supposed to go to? just doesn't make sense to me.


New Member
Know what I mean? It's like "Dog fighting! Bad man! Evil man!" but we take our kids down to the zoo to see an elephant in solitary confinement and call ourselves good parents. It's a fucked up world.


Well-Known Member
I think that it's very odd that people cast judgement on the guy are the same ones who get love watching men beat the shit out of each other. I'm told we're are relieved from any wrong doing because of free choice but that argument has never really done it for me. So the idea that he somehow shouldn't own a dog because of one of those things that you just can't get your head around, like a neck tie, like where the fuck is your neck supposed to go to? just doesn't make sense to me.
The difference (for people who like boxing and other contact sports) is that the two men willingly entered the ring and understand the rules. You cannot say that for dogfighting.


New Member
Yes, I mentioned free will. People have varying degrees of free will. I'm sure there are some players out there who have about as much choice as the dogs, either way I don't really think that says much about my love of watching big guys beat the shit out of each other. I don't feel relieved of the sin of loving it. And it is sinful, you know it is. So it's people pointing fingers because of the poor dogs. What if they put the dogs in helmets and paid them? Gave them a cut of the profits.

the hashshasher

Active Member
yeah if they just gave them helmets that would be good cuz ive seen(edit: pictures of) pits from dogfights that litterally have the skin on their face just ripped off


Active Member
Know what I mean? It's like "Dog fighting! Bad man! Evil man!" but we take our kids down to the zoo to see an elephant in solitary confinement and call ourselves good parents. It's a fucked up world.
Animals are clearly happy in zoos, once you have successful reproduction it shows the animals are happy. Whose not happy after some dirty unprotected sex?

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I'm chill with mike vick getting a dog he didn't fight his house dog.


Well-Known Member
If it wa up to me he I wouldn't give a fuck.He seems like he actually cares about spreading awareness with how bad dog fighting is.I read in the news paper a few times that he talked at schools and shit.None of it was required for his probation either.