Well-Known Member

Get millet. Most nutes and cleanest purest seed. Easier than rye and as good or better. Millet is the little yellow or red bird seeds about as big as a small pot seed.
I do not simmer. I soak for 24-36 hours in HOT water.
after soaking for the first minute the water will look like Coca Cola, Keep filling and rinsing in a big tub until this stops. You want the water coming off clear. No darker than very weak tea. The clearer the better and cleaner...pour off coke water...then put in fresh water...use a much bigger container than needed, the seeds that float can be rinsed off too the good ones will sink and let the dirty water flow out this way, I do it in my sink with the sprayer and lose no seeds but the cracked floaters....
Take rinsed millet thats been soaked at least 24h and let drain very well. I put it in an old sheet and twist it up then spin it like a helicopter outside...Now mix with enough vermiculite to soak up moisture on the grain...about 1/4 cup per quart or so..and then a pinch of garden gypsum to stabilize PH swings.... fill quarts no more than 2/3rds full.
Get tyvek paint suits from Lowes or depot, poke 2... 1/4 inch holes in mason jar disc...one for innoculating and both for breathing cover these holes with gentle paper tape also called micropore for sensitive skin in the band aid isle...cut tyvek into 5 inch circles and put down tyvek, the lid disc and then screw on lid ring. Pressure cook with lid not tight, tighten lid until it starts to feel like the last turn and stop, not all the way...then cover this lid with Foil
Pressure cook for 1 hour @ 15 PSI. When done, use heat mitts to shake very good and when cool finish tightening lids.
Once done these last a long time. Ive innoculated some sitting around for a month after being PCd...
they are sterile.
After cool ....innoculate in one hole with either spores or liquid mycelium or some other culture. When all of the grain is 50-70 white for the first time shake and break it up. Hitting on your hand works for me, if it hurts you use a car tire and break it all up.
Let recolonize and when 100% white and colonized spawn to desired substrate in a monotub. a 4:1 ratio is needed. 4quarts of substrate needs 1 quart of spawn.
If you see any color other than white while colonizing...its probably a contamination. Sometimes youll see a seed poking threw that looks yellow or red...so dont freak thats not a contam just a seed. Youll know when its a contam. throw out contamed jars dont even open them.
Be sterile, wash yourself, your hands and use copius amounts of alcohol and H2o2 to clean up your work area. No fans heaters or drafts. Work in a small area that is closed up.
When colonizing dont use heat mats or warmers. Just keep your house at ambient between 70-80. And put them in a dark spot, Dont even look at them for a few days. Watched water never boils.
Sterile sterile sterile...is the key. most fail due to bad sterility habits.
A glove box is easy and good way to work in very sterile conditions. I use one when doing transfers and isolating rhizomorphic strands of mycelium but you only need one if serious.
Ill update with relevant info if I remember something I forgot. Hope you guys like these methods...