Mindful Resistance


Well-Known Member
Here is a website that might interest some and provide insights into the forces that brought Trump to the presidency and that help to keep him there. I believe the appropriate reaction to high treason is hanging and long prison sentences for accomplices, that is not an over reaction, it's the law for legal treason and should also be an appropriate response to literal treason too. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at America right now, this is the reality of the situation, the consequences for treason of this kind can be catastrophic. Some people cannot be reasoned with, and have no intention of being fair and honest, or even patriotic. The next "Trump" won't be as stupid and brain damaged as this one, he might have a plan to exterminate a third of the US population and he has a ready made base for it. If they support Trump in treason they will support the next one in genocide, the US constitution is a worthless scrap of brown paper, the GOP prove that to be a fact everyday. A constitution is only useful if people believe in it and enforce it's provisions, the GOP has failed in this fundamental task.

The Mindful Resistance Newsletter has three goals:
  1. To clearly understand the causes of division and conflict in America and the world;
  2. To help readers preserve inner peace even as they remain engaged citizens;
  3. To help transcend humankind’s tribalistic tendencies and so foster the formation of a global community.
In all of this we are guided by the Buddhist ideal of mindfulness. New issue comes out every Saturday. Each includes a summary of the week’s events, a collection of links to deep analytical pieces, and original writing from Robert Wright, author of Why Buddhism Is True and Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny. Read an excerpt or the current issue.

Mindful (ˈmīn(d)fəl) n. Attentive, aware, careful.
–The Random House Dictionary of the English Language
Mindful Resistance
The premise of the Mindful Resistance Project is that understanding and addressing the root causes of Trumpism is important—so important that we shouldn’t let Trump’s antics and outrages get in the way of this mission. To put a finer point on it: 1) We need to respond to each day’s news about Trump wisely—with moral clarity and forceful conviction but with awareness of the way overreactions to his provocations can play into his hands. 2) Meanwhile, we need to get a deeper understanding of the forces that led so many people to vote for Trump. These forces include globalization, demographic change, the loss of jobs through automation, and a political polarization that is grounded partly in the tribalizing tendencies of social media. This polarization is also grounded in what you might call the psychology of tribalism, in cognitive biases that afflict us all—so fostering an understanding of how our minds work will be among the goals of this project.
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Inside The Partisan Fight For Your News Feed
How ideologues, opportunists, and internet marketers built a massive new universe of partisan news on the web and on Facebook.

The most comprehensive study to date of the growing universe of partisan websites and Facebook pages about US politics reveals that in 2016 alone at least 187 new websites launched, and that the candidacy and election of Donald Trump has unleashed a golden age of aggressive, divisive political content that reaches a massive amount of people on Facebook.


BuzzFeed News

Thanks to a trinity of the internet, Facebook, and online advertising, partisan news websites and their associated Facebook pages are almost certainly making more money for more people and reaching more Americans than at any time in history. In some cases, publishers are generating hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in revenue, with small operations easily earning five figures thanks to one website and at least one associated Facebook page.
At its root, the analysis of 667 websites and 452 associated Facebook pages reveals the extent to which American online political discourse is powered by a mix of money and outrage.
The result is hundreds of partisan news websites being run not only by dedicated American conservatives and liberals, but also by the now-famous Macedonian teens, by internet marketers, and by others who saw a business opportunity. As an example, BuzzFeed News’ analysis found that a conservative Facebook page being run by a 20-year-old Macedonian frequently outperforms some of the larger conservative pages operated by Americans.
The analysis also found that since Trump’s election, top liberal partisan Facebook pages and top-performing viral content from liberal websites are consistently generating more total engagement than their conservative counterparts.


BuzzFeed News

The extensive BuzzFeed News analysis shows just how deeply outrage and the revenue it generates are tied to divisive online discussions.
“Politics changes perspectives, but money really changes people’s perspectives, so I’d really rather not say anything about that,” said Freddy Hernandez, who operates conservative news website YesImRight.com and its associated Facebook page with more than 1.4 million fans.
Hernandez doesn’t list his name anywhere on the site, and he’s primarily known online for his YouTube videos about cars, as well as his occasional contributions to auto websites such as Jalopnik. Hernandez told BuzzFeed News he watched Occupy Democrats and other Facebook pages generate huge engagement and traffic and wanted to see if he could do it too.
Another man who ran and worked on several conservative Facebook pages and websites told BuzzFeed News he got into the game because of his beliefs. But soon the money became his driving force.
“I thought I was in it for the cause,” he said in an interview conducted over Facebook Messenger. “Six months later and after [I bought] an Infiniti G35 and Corvette, I realize it was probably more about the profit.” (He asked not to be named because he has exited the business.)


BuzzFeed News

To fully understand and showcase the massive new world of online partisan news, BuzzFeed News spoke to more than a dozen liberal and conservative site owners and writers, obtained financial filings from the IRS, and created a database of 667 political news websites covering US politics on the left and the right.
BuzzFeed News gathered and analyzed the websites' domain name registration dates, who owns the websites, whether a website is connected to other sites on the list through a shared Google Analytics or AdSense code in its source code, and, when possible, whether the site appears to be run from a country other than the United States. We also examined linking patterns between sites and used data from Alexa to analyze the audiences. (Sites that have the same Analytics or AdSense code often share the same owner.)
This information was combined with Facebook data gathered from the 452 pages associated with the sites in the database. BuzzFeed News downloaded the more than 4 million posts and their associated number of shares, reactions, and comments published between Jan. 1, 2015, and March 31, 2017. (To read a detailed overview of how the data was collected and analyzed, see the bottom of this story. You can also access our full data set on GitHub here. If you believe a site has been mistakenly included or classified, or if you’ve identified a different kind of error, please contact us via this form.)


BuzzFeed News

The interviews and data reveal a large, often interconnected world where Facebook plays kingmaker as much as it crushes dreams, where anger and stoking partisan hatred are core strategies on the right and left, and where the biggest players are working to secure dominance by partnering with, or acquiring, competitors and launching new sites to flood the market so new players can’t gain a foothold.
Other key findings:
  • There are at least five people or companies that operate both liberal and conservative partisan news sites. These publishers work both sides of the aisle in order to capture as much revenue as possible, and to hedge against one side or the other dropping off in terms of growth.
  • The election marked a high point in Facebook engagement for partisan pages on the left and the right, making it a catalytic event that caused at least 187 new partisan news sites to launch, and that saw partisan news’ influence over the online political conversation reach new heights.
  • Of the 667 websites in the database, 490 are conservative and 177 are liberal. While this data set does not include all partisan news sites that cover American politics, its size and comprehensiveness suggests that the partisan conservative universe is bigger and more established than its counterpart on the left.
  • The number of people running partisan conservative news sites outside the US is significant. The now-famous cluster of mostly pro-Trump sites run from Macedonia is the largest international group in the database, with at least 77 sites and 51 Facebook pages as of early 2017. However, as this research was in progress, Facebook shut down roughly three dozen US politics pages run by Macedonians, and some of the websites associated with them stopped publishing. The number of Macedonian-run sites and Facebook pages is constantly in flux as sites and pages are killed and new ones are launched.
  • Writers for many of the newer partisan sites are compensated for their articles by a share of the advertising revenue earned from their stories. Editors for these sites are often paid $5 or $10 per post. Data obtained by BuzzFeed News, for example, shows a writer for the liberal Addicting Info group of sites earned $20,026.63 in one month for a single article back in 2014. But now some sites are beginning to move away from the ad-share payment model. More established partisan sites do not use the revenue-sharing model.
  • Liberal and conservative partisan news websites exist as parallel universes. An analysis of major traffic referrers among partisan sites revealed tight networks of interlinking within each ideological sphere — but hardly any referring from liberal to conservative websites, and vice versa.
  • Publishers are obsessed with Facebook’s algorithm changes and with avoiding getting caught up in the social network’s stepped-up initiative to reduce clickbait and misinformation in the News Feed. Conservative publishers complain that posts and sometimes even entire pages are removed without warning, while comparatively few liberal page owners report the same challenges. Deep suspicion of Facebook runs through the conservative partisan news world.
Could you please offer a paragraph synopsis of the long winded post above ? What is the primary point you are seeking to deliver ?

Thanks, looking forward to tying you up in contradictory knots of your own making.
Could you please offer a paragraph synopsis of the long winded post above ? What is the primary point you are seeking to deliver ?

Thanks, looking forward to tying you up in contradictory knots of your own making.
He should be more succinct like you and just get to the point like you do with “no negroes allowed” signs and “certain” 11 year olds that are especially mature
Could you please offer a paragraph synopsis of the long winded post above ? What is the primary point you are seeking to deliver ?

Thanks, looking forward to tying you up in contradictory knots of your own making.
Here Rob,
I'll provide this remedial education for you, it's the first paragraph of the article and it provides a synopsis (learn that word in public school?). A short attention span is almost as good as being retarded, look at Donald's shattered mind and miniscue attention span to see what I mean. Often an unsettled and guilty conscience can have the same effect as ADD, even if it's only operating at a sub or even unconscious level because of prefrontal cortex brain damage. Attend to your experience Rob and stop fantasizing so much, reality along with your life is passing you by.

The most comprehensive study to date of the growing universe of partisan websites and Facebook pages about US politics reveals that in 2016 alone at least 187 new websites launched, and that the candidacy and election of Donald Trump has unleashed a golden age of aggressive, divisive political content that reaches a massive amount of people on Facebook.
Here Rob,
I'll provide this remedial education for you, it's the first paragraph of the article and it provides a synopsis (learn that word in public school?). A short attention span is almost as good as being retarded, look at Donald's shattered mind and miniscue attention span to see what I mean. Often an unsettled and guilty conscience can have the same effect as ADD, even if it's only operating at a sub or even unconscious level because of prefrontal cortex brain damage. Attend to your experience Rob and stop fantasizing so much, reality along with your life is passing you by.

View attachment 4416736
Here Rob,
I'll provide this remedial education for you, it's the first paragraph of the article and it provides a synopsis (learn that word in public school?). A short attention span is almost as good as being retarded, look at Donald's shattered mind and miniscue attention span to see what I mean. Often an unsettled and guilty conscience can have the same effect as ADD, even if it's only operating at a sub or even unconscious level because of prefrontal cortex brain damage. Attend to your experience Rob and stop fantasizing so much, reality along with your life is passing you by.

This is so stupid. The reason trump won and will again is strictly because of the left. Nobody likes trump. Let that sink in. The people who voted for him dont even like him.

They just despise him less than what the left puts up. Everyone who is half way decent is culled as an outcast. Only radical left politicians are being broadcasted on main stream media. Regular people, or whatever derogatory name you will call us today, don't want a party that caters to everyone except the working middle class.

Buying votes from illegals, life long welfare recipients, and the alphabet people will only get you votes from them. The majority is silent. They will speak with their votes. About nominating someone semi normal? SOmeone with good idea's and an agenda.

The only agenda the rest of us see is hate and resistance.
They just despise him less than what the left puts up. Everyone who is half way decent is culled as an outcast. Only radical left politicians are being broadcasted on main stream media. Regular people, or whatever derogatory name you will call us today, don't want a party that caters to everyone except the working middle class

The whatever you are watching that mangle what Democrats say is the ones manufacturing the 'radical' politics, because they take it out of context and leave out the parts that make their troll obvious. They then base an entire conspiracy about the edited part and pretend that it is true, but it is a lie and because they are not under oath they get away with it.

Regular people, or whatever derogatory name you will call us today, don't want a party that caters to everyone except the working middle class
You are wrong, much of the Democratic platform is indeed designed to help the middle class. It also has stuff for the poor. There is also stuff for the wealthy. The Democrats are unlike the Republicans who entire platform is dedicated to one group, the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male.

Buying votes from illegals, life long welfare recipients, and the alphabet people will only get you votes from them. The majority is silent. They will speak with their votes. About nominating someone semi normal? SOmeone with good idea's and an agenda.
This is where the stuff you say gets insulting enough that you will cause people to troll you as being racist. The majority of Americans voted for Clinton in 2016. This will be decided in about 10 states.

The only agenda the rest of us see is hate and resistance.
That is because it is all you are being shown.
This is so stupid. The reason trump won and will again is strictly because of the left. Nobody likes trump. Let that sink in. The people who voted for him dont even like him.

They just despise him less than what the left puts up. Everyone who is half way decent is culled as an outcast. Only radical left politicians are being broadcasted on main stream media. Regular people, or whatever derogatory name you will call us today, don't want a party that caters to everyone except the working middle class.

Buying votes from illegals, life long welfare recipients, and the alphabet people will only get you votes from them. The majority is silent. They will speak with their votes. About nominating someone semi normal? SOmeone with good idea's and an agenda.

The only agenda the rest of us see is hate and resistance.
regular people?

You’re a neo nazi
That is because it is all you are being shown.
That is what you all show me, every reply, every forum post, every day. Every left politician screams hate and resist. All the protesters. All the LGQ whatever. Look at the names I get called for having a different belief. No it doesn't hurt my feelings and I am not crying, just using it as a perfect example.

Look at these posts. Look at all the replies from the left. This is what I, and many others see daily. I cannot support such hate.

News flash, the majority of americans didn't vote for clinton. Only 55.4% or voting americans casted a vote at all. 26.5% voted for clinton, with 26.3 voting for trump, big number sure, but a very small percent. That is far from your claim.

I am telling you all that is the reason I voted for trump and many others too. They are sick of your hate and resistance. The left wanted to impeach the day after the election, before he even took office! Because the left lost. Sore losers if you ask me.

The bullying and cowardly replies are what a lot of people are fed up with. The left is full of hate. Saying it one more time, the left is full of hate. Regular people don't like it. And just watch, I will look this thread up the day after the next election to tell you, "I told you so".

The only thing the left can do to win is put someone level headed to run but they will refuse to do so. Casting white man as racists surpremest. Trying to make us feel guilty because of the color of our skin. This will be why the left also fails. Watch and learn.
Look at this crying, sobbing neo nazi accuse everyone else of hate.

Same old boring ass sniffle-fest every neo nazi puts in

Go cry somewhere else ya little bitch
Look at these posts. Look at all the replies from the left. This is what I, and many others see daily. I cannot support such hate.
That is what you all show me, every reply, every forum post, every day.
Have I shown you this?

Every left politician screams hate and resist.
like as in "Resist Hate"?

Look at the names I get called for having a different belief. No it doesn't hurt my feelings and I am not crying, just using it as a perfect example.
You are online, you will be trolled. You do know that currently Russia is using their military to troll all of us Americans right? And if you are in a battle ground state and have a voting record prior to 2016, Trump gave the Russians your name to attack you constantly with these lies.

News flash, the majority of americans didn't vote for clinton. Only 55.4% or voting americans casted a vote at all. 26.5% voted for clinton. That is far from your claim.
Fair enough, Clinton won the majority of voting Americans.

I am telling you all that is the reason I voted for trump and many others too. They are sick of your hate and resistance. The left wanted to impeach the day after the election, before he even took office! Because the left lost. Sore losers if you ask me.
Says who? Trump did this himself, I can show you a massive amount of interviews of the most prominent Democrats saying Trump should not be impeached. Unfortunately he continually broke the law and obstructed justice being a would be dictator who doesn't want anyone to be able to question his authority. The Democrats won the house huge in 2018, and Trump has been crying ever since because no Democrat can vote in support of the only things he wants to do because they are continually racist and against American laws.

The bullying and cowardly replies are what a lot of people are fed up with. The left is full of hate. Saying it one more time, the left is full of hate. Regular people don't like it. And just watch, I will look this thread up the day after the next election to tell you, "I told you so".
If you are indeed a person and not a Russian troll, if you were left, you would get continually attacked by people from the right. But the trick is those people are trolls designed to get you so mad that you cannot think strait and start going strait troll when people say something you don't believe in real life.

The only thing the left can do to win is put someone level headed to run but they will refuse to do so. Casting white man as racists surpremest. Trying to make us feel guilty because of the color of our skin. This will be why the left also fails. Watch and learn.
The only ones pushing this is racists making shit up to sell what you just said.

You have stated that you are an adherent of “white pride”

This is the slogan of the biggest neo nazi white supremacist website on the planet


So why do you cry when I correctly call you a neo nazi? It’s not even name calling. It’s accurate.

And why do you accuse others of being hate filled when we simply object to your white supremacist, neo nazi intolerance of anyone who isn’t white?

Are you so fucking stupid that you don’t realize we have seen your act countless times before?
Pride definition:
"a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired"
"confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience"

Supremacy definition:
"the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status"

There is a difference for being proud of who I am, which I happen to be white and proud, and being a white supremacist. If you cant read the definition and makes sense of that, you are hopeless.
Have I shown you this?

like as in "Resist Hate"?

You are online, you will be trolled. You do know that currently Russia is using their military to troll all of us Americans right? And if you are in a battle ground state and have a voting record prior to 2016, Trump gave the Russians your name to attack you constantly with these lies.

Fair enough, Clinton won the majority of voting Americans.

Says who? Trump did this himself, I can show you a massive amount of interviews of the most prominent Democrats saying Trump should not be impeached. Unfortunately he continually broke the law and obstructed justice being a would be dictator who doesn't want anyone to be able to question his authority. The Democrats won the house huge in 2018, and Trump has been crying ever since because no Democrat can vote in support of the only things he wants to do because they are continually racist and against American laws.

If you are indeed a person and not a Russian troll, if you were left, you would get continually attacked by people from the right. But the trick is those people are trolls designed to get you so mad that you cannot think strait and start going strait troll when people say something you don't believe in real life.

The only ones pushing this is racists making shit up to sell what you just said.
My opinion:
You preach as much propaganda as you claim the russians do.
Pride definition:
"a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired"
"confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience"

Supremacy definition:
"the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status"

There is a difference for being proud of who I am, which I happen to be white and proud, and being a white supremacist. If you cant read the definition and makes sense of that, you are hopeless.
You identify yourself using the same exact slogan as neo nazi white supremacists

Your racist rants about how black people ruin schools and just want welfare can be found all over their neo nazi websites

How fucking stupid are you to think we can’t see this? We’ve seen uneducated racist losers like you try this act over and over again

Just because we don’t tolerate neo nazi scumbag criminals like you doesn’t mean we are filled with hatred, like you are