Well-Known Member
Here is a website that might interest some and provide insights into the forces that brought Trump to the presidency and that help to keep him there. I believe the appropriate reaction to high treason is hanging and long prison sentences for accomplices, that is not an over reaction, it's the law for legal treason and should also be an appropriate response to literal treason too. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at America right now, this is the reality of the situation, the consequences for treason of this kind can be catastrophic. Some people cannot be reasoned with, and have no intention of being fair and honest, or even patriotic. The next "Trump" won't be as stupid and brain damaged as this one, he might have a plan to exterminate a third of the US population and he has a ready made base for it. If they support Trump in treason they will support the next one in genocide, the US constitution is a worthless scrap of brown paper, the GOP prove that to be a fact everyday. A constitution is only useful if people believe in it and enforce it's provisions, the GOP has failed in this fundamental task.
The Mindful Resistance Newsletter has three goals:
The premise of the Mindful Resistance Project is that understanding and addressing the root causes of Trumpism is important—so important that we shouldn’t let Trump’s antics and outrages get in the way of this mission. To put a finer point on it: 1) We need to respond to each day’s news about Trump wisely—with moral clarity and forceful conviction but with awareness of the way overreactions to his provocations can play into his hands. 2) Meanwhile, we need to get a deeper understanding of the forces that led so many people to vote for Trump. These forces include globalization, demographic change, the loss of jobs through automation, and a political polarization that is grounded partly in the tribalizing tendencies of social media. This polarization is also grounded in what you might call the psychology of tribalism, in cognitive biases that afflict us all—so fostering an understanding of how our minds work will be among the goals of this project.
The Mindful Resistance Newsletter has three goals:
- To clearly understand the causes of division and conflict in America and the world;
- To help readers preserve inner peace even as they remain engaged citizens;
- To help transcend humankind’s tribalistic tendencies and so foster the formation of a global community.
Mindful ResistanceMindful (ˈmīn(d)fəl) n. Attentive, aware, careful.
–The Random House Dictionary of the English Language
The premise of the Mindful Resistance Project is that understanding and addressing the root causes of Trumpism is important—so important that we shouldn’t let Trump’s antics and outrages get in the way of this mission. To put a finer point on it: 1) We need to respond to each day’s news about Trump wisely—with moral clarity and forceful conviction but with awareness of the way overreactions to his provocations can play into his hands. 2) Meanwhile, we need to get a deeper understanding of the forces that led so many people to vote for Trump. These forces include globalization, demographic change, the loss of jobs through automation, and a political polarization that is grounded partly in the tribalizing tendencies of social media. This polarization is also grounded in what you might call the psychology of tribalism, in cognitive biases that afflict us all—so fostering an understanding of how our minds work will be among the goals of this project.
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