Mini Hempy Buckets


Active Member
Hey guys, i recently had some problems with a magnesium/calcium lockout because soil ph dropped too low. In addition I had 3 plants in one pot and was advised to break em up before the roots grow together too much. Anyway I decided, well if im gonna transfer these plants, why not fuck the soil and just use 100% perlite like in the hempy buckets?

so thats what i decided to do..had more pix but some got corrupted somehow..


100% perlite, 8 qt bag
3, 3qt fake terra cotta pots

basically a normal hempy bucket, (for those that are unfamilar) is a 5 gallon bucket with a .5 inch hole drilled 2 inches from the bottom. It has either 100% perlite or a combo of perlite and vermiculite. This 2 inch gap between the bottom and the hole acts like a small reservoir where water accumulates and the plants can suck from. Since these are 3 qt pots, substantially smaller, i decided why not drill the holes 1" up from the bottom. Also why not cut this diameter in half and then drill a bunch more for equal drainage in the event of an overfill

so basically i took all 3 pots, drilled 6 holes symetrically 1 inch from the bnottom with a 1/4 inch drill bit.
filled the pots with perlite and my plants i was transposing..dropped a drop of superthrive in the hole i made for each one to help rooting.

in the picture you can see a 1/4 inch tubing that was stuck throug the holes. Part of my plan eventually is to create a recirculating hydro hybrid hempy bucket system where water will be pumped thru the tubes which are deep in the perlite to water just the roots. in addition the pots will be above the main reservoir so its basically a recirculating system. Plus the natural movement of the water overspilling will create tons of oxygen for the plants. This will be something that I will move onto eventually..right now it is just an idea.

check otu a few of the pics, loemme kno what u guys think.
plus p.s i took the pics today 24 hours after the transplant..the plants dont look llike they got shocked too much..mayb the superthrive helped

