mini plant problem + pics helpp

hey guys i got an auto flwering red dwarf and i thought it was still growing strong but then it started budding and its still so small!what to do? if theres nothing, what did i do wrong? any suggestions would be appreciateddcheers


Active Member
hey guys i got an auto flwering red dwarf and i thought it was still growing strong but then it started budding and its still so small!what to do? if theres nothing, what did i do wrong? any suggestions would be appreciateddcheers
To start with, a bit more information is needed: What soil have you potted in, and have you added anything to it? What lighting are you using? What is your watering frequency, & have you been monitoring the pH of it? Have you been using nutrients, if so what are they, at what dose have you been using them and at what frequency?